Gender-Inclusive Housing

We are excited to offer gender-inclusive housing to all students starting in Spring 2023! Please read through this section of gender-inclusive housing FAQs, as well as the gender-inclusive community pact, for more information. If you have further questions about gender-inclusive housing, please contact your program advisor. 


What is gender-inclusive housing? 

Gender-inclusive housing is an option in which students can room together regardless of their biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression. This option is geared toward students for whom “traditional” or same-sex housing placements are not appropriate, and who prefer to live in a community that values acceptance and diversity of gender identity and expression. The goal of gender-inclusive housing is to provide a more supportive living situation for our transgender, genderfluid, genderqueer, non-binary, and questioning students, as well as students who do not identify with any gender. LGBTQIA+ students are also welcome in this community, as well as allies who recognize and respect the rich array of perspectives represented in gender-inclusive housing. 

Why does Barcelona SAE offer gender-inclusive housing?

At Barcelona SAE, we are committed to supporting all students, and we know that housing options adapted to our students’ needs play an essential role in their feeling seen, heard, and supported while in Barcelona. Through our gender-inclusive housing option, we acknowledge and honor the diversity of lived experiences of our students, and strive to create a community in which students who do not conform to the gender binary or do not identify with their biological sex feel welcomed and valued. Studying or interning abroad can push students outside of their comfort zones in ways they never expected, and we are here to ensure that students feel supported in every aspect of their Barcelona experiences - including in their onsite accommodations - so they can experience the enormous personal growth that comes from living abroad.

How can I indicate that I would like to live in gender-inclusive housing? 

You may indicate your preference for gender-inclusive housing when you fill out your housing preferences form in your student portal. If you select this option, your Barcelona SAE student advisor will set up a conversation with you to discuss what gender-inclusive housing entails, sign the gender-inclusive community pact, and determine if gender-inclusive housing is the best option for you. Indicating your interest in this housing option will only be used for this purpose, and it will not be shared with others.   

What are the accommodations used for gender-inclusive housing? 

Students who elect to live in gender-inclusive housing will be placed in shared apartments in residential areas of Barcelona. They will share the apartment with other students from the program who have also opted to be a part of the gender-inclusive housing community.  

Will I have a roommate? 

Yes, rooms in the apartments are double-occupancy rooms (two twin beds). You may indicate a preference for a single room for an additional charge of $300/month, but keep in mind that housing is extremely competitive in Barcelona, and single rooms are not always available. 

How will my roommate be assigned? 

If you elect to live in gender-inclusive housing, we strongly encourage you to self-select your roommate by indicating your roommate preference on the housing form in your student portal. Please note that students are only placed together if both students indicate the other as their desired roommate, and both students have elected to live in gender-inclusive housing. If you do not have a roommate preference, you will be placed with another student who has also chosen to live in gender-inclusive housing. Please note that Barcelona SAE will organize an optional community meet and greet before the semester begins so you will be able to get to know your peers. 

Can I be randomly assigned to gender-inclusive housing? 

No, you must indicate a preference to live in gender-inclusive housing on your housing form. If you do not choose the gender-inclusive option, your housing will be assigned based on the sex listed on your passport. 

What if I choose to live in gender-inclusive housing and become uncomfortable with my living situation during the semester? 

We always prioritize student health, safety, and support, so if you are feeling uncomfortable with your living situation at any point throughout the semester, please contact our housing team immediately. We will meet with you to better understand what is happening, what you need to feel comfortable in your housing, and determine a solution that works for all parties involved. Please note that if the problem cannot be resolved within the housing that you have been assigned, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to move you to other gender-inclusive housing.

What if my family and/or my home school don’t want me to live in a gender-inclusive space? 

If you are over 18 years of age, we recognize your right to choose the housing that makes you most comfortable without parental consent, and we will not notify your parents of your decision. We encourage students to maintain an open dialogue with their parents about their housing placement, but recognize that this may not be possible for all students. If you are under 18 years of age, your parents will be required to sign a consent form if you wish to live in gender-inclusive housing.

What about bathrooms? 

Bathrooms in gender-inclusive housing are all-gender bathrooms that will be shared with other students in the apartment. All bathrooms are single-person, meaning that they have one toilet, one sink, and one shower. Each single-person bathroom will be shared between 2-3 students. 

If I have a question about gender-inclusive housing, who can I talk to?

We would love to talk to you more about the gender-inclusive housing option if it is of interest to you! You may reach out to your Barcelona SAE student advisor if you are looking for additional information, or send an email to If necessary, we may also put you in touch with our housing team onsite in Barcelona. 


Students who choose to live in gender-inclusive housing must agree to the community pact found below:

In addition to respecting the Barcelona SAE Housing Rules and Regulations, I also agree to uphold and promote the following values of our gender-inclusive community in Barcelona: