Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

Coming to the UPF? Check out our tips on registering for courses and how Add/Drop works!

Established in 1990, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) is one of Barcelona’s newest institutions and has already earned an International Excellence Campus label from the Spanish Ministry of Education. 

Learn more about the UPF programs open to international students here. 

UPF Campuses

The main UPF campus is the CIUTADELLA CAMPUS, located next to Ciutadella Park and a few blocks from the beach. The campus has multiple buildings, an auditorium, an incredibly beautiful library, a cafe, and some terrace space. This is where courses in the BaPIS program and the Spanish classes take place

Finding Your Classrooms: Classrooms are indicated as follows: 40.253. 

This would mean that your class is in building number 40, on the 2nd floor, in room number 253.

THE ESCI CAMPUS is located in a building on the other side of Ciutadella park, in the Born neighborhood. To get from one building to the other is about a 15 minute walk. 

UPF welcome orientation: spring 2024

Below you can find the Welcome orientation program for both ESCI and BaPis students. It contains all the essential information students need regarding their program and navigating the campuses. 

ENG Welcome_WINTER24.pdf

Cafés & libraries near the upf




The UPF is Barcelona's most academically challenging university, and you'll find that you need to study hard to pass your classes. Most local students fail at least one class per semester - there is no grade inflation, and a C is considered a good grade. Be prepared to put in extra time and effort to be able to pass your courses. 

You may have classes where the entire grade is based on a midterm and final exam alone. This makes it difficult to know how you are doing in a course, so it is important that you let your teachers know if you have any questions or need extra help.

The UPF does not give letter grades, the grades above are suggested and our US partners may establish their own equivalences to letter grades." 


While campuses don't exist in Spain the same way they do in the U.S., the UPF is the most similar when it comes to student groups.

 You can join the soccer team, the choir, or attend a ski weekend with local students!

UPF attendance policies: bapis & esci


Attendance at lectures is compulsory and shall be monitored daily by the teaching staff. 


ESCI Students are deemed responsible for managing their absences, and no distinction shall be made between justified and unjustified absences. Emergency situations (hospitalization, family crises, etc.) will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the program's academic director, once valid medical documentation has been provided. 

UPF faqs


See PDF below or you can see their websites here: 

BaPIS Academic welcome session.pdf