PART 4: Money, Phones & Mail

MONEY & budgeting

What to bring


You can see 3 budgeting breakdowns here - please note that all of these amounts are estimated costs, as the real numbers can vary based on individual spending habits and exchange rates. This is a good exercise for you to create a budget for yourself for your stay in Barcelona. 

For more information on Banking & Money in Spain, click here.

Phones & Mail

Have you thought about if you are going to bring your U.S. phone to Barcelona? Are you going to get an international plan or purchase a Spanish SIM Card? Do you want to know more about phone plans in Spain? Click here for more info!

Receiving mail in Spain is not as easy as in some other countries, and for this reason, we recommend not sending anything from your home country. Everything you will need during your stay you can either bring in your luggage or purchase it once in Spain. However, if your parents or friends want to send you a letter or package, please make sure you read our BSG page on Mail.