the #barcelonabucketlist

Share your adventures on Instagram/TikTok for a chance to win prizes!

An Instagram/TikTok competition that will immerse you in the city and its culture!


the list...

(Made with #BarcelonaBucketList moments from alumni students!)


1. Count the geese in the Cathedral's cloister, and find out the importance of that number. Hint: click here to learn more

2. Have a hot chocolate (locally referred to as "suizo") with churros in a "granja" on Petrixol street

3. Find the 4 columns still standing from the Roman Temple of Augustus and then check out the excavated Roman streets beneath the Plaça del Rei at the MUHBA (Museum of Urban History of Barcelona)

4. Check out The Kiss of Freedom mural, which is made up of 6000 photos and commemorates Barcelona's fall during The War of Spanish Succession.

5. Cheer on the Castellers (Catalan human towers) during a festival

6. Watch the Sardana dancers in front of the cathedral on a Saturday or Sunday

7. Take a photo of the rose window (the largest one in Catalonia!) from inside the Iglesia de Santa Maria del Pi 

8. Taste Barcelona's amazing tapas: patatas bravas, pan con tomate, pulpo, tortilla de patata, and more

9. People watch from the fountain in the picturesque Plaça Reial 

10. Have a coffee in Els Quatre Gats, Picasso's old hangout 

 11. Find out what caused the damage to the walls in Plaça Felip Neri and find the ancient synagogue that forms part of Barcelona's Jewish Quarter

el raval

12. Stroll down La Rambla and get your photo taken with one of the street performers (don’t forget to tip them!) 

13. Celebrate an FC Barcelona win at the canaletes fountain. Legend has it that if you drink from the fountain you will return to Barcelona someday

14. Get some food goodies at La Boqueria market - you can find everything from smoothies to fruit to jamón to gifts to bring home

15. Take in the view from the bar on top of the Barceló hotel on Rambla de Raval 

16. Browse the vintage shops on Riera Baixa 

17. Discover Gaudí in Palau Güell (not the same as Parc Güell!)

18. Dodge the skateboarders in front of the MACBA 

19. Have a coffee in the quiet garden café of the Antic Hospital de la Santa Creu

20. See the Romanesque cloister of the Sant Pau del Camp Monastery, the oldest church in Barcelona

21. Have a drink amongst the dusty bottles in Bar Marsella on C/ Sant Pau for a trip back in time (it was a favorite spot for Picasso and Hemingway!)

22. Walk down Rambla del Raval and pet the Gato de Botero 

23. Catch a temporary exhibit at the CCCB, the Contemporary Cultural Center of Barcelona

the waterfront

24. Visit the Museu Marítim to see where some of the first boats to reach America were built 

25. Walk along the beach north of Port Olímpic, the Platja de la Nova Icària.

26. Rollerblade, skateboard, or watch others trying to do so in El Forum. 

27. Ride the Teleférico del Puerto de Barcelona (cable car) to see Barcelona and the Mediterranean sea from above

28. Check out the vibrant nightlife in Port Olímpic 

29. Eat a fideuá or a paella in the Barceloneta 

30. Watch the sunrise from the Barceloneta beach


31. Visit Refugi 307 bomb shelter to learn more about the Spanish civil war

32. Have a tapa and a glass of wine at Quimet Quimet, one of the most famous and historic tapas restaurants in the city

33. Count up your toothpicks while trying pintxos (tapas from the Basque Country) on Blai Street.

el born

34. Attend a concert or tour in the Palau de la Música Catalana 

35. See Picasso's early works in the Museo Picasso 

36. Visit the old mansions on C/ Montcada (now museums) 

37. Check out the Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar – the perfect place to start reading Cathedral of the Sea

38. Buy some freshly roasted nuts in Casa Gispert, whose wood oven has been operating since 1851 

39. Have a picnic  in front of the fountain or rent a rowboat in the Parc de la Ciutadella 

40. Head to the MOCO Museum to be amazed by the modern, contemporary, and street art

41. Get your groceries in the Mercat de Santa Caterina, a convent turned market. 

42. Step inside the Mercat del Born to learn about Catalonia’s defeat in the 1714 War of Succession (the fight for the Spanish throne)

43. Walk underneath the Arc de Triomf (bonus points if you find the map of the city on the sidewalk!)


44. Tour the Casa Batlló and head up to the rooftop

45. Shop your way up and down Passeig de Gracia 

46. Check out the Gayxample, Barcelona's LGBTQ+ neighborhood. Bonus points if you check out the rooftop of the Axel Hotel, the world's first LGBTQ+ and "hetero-friendly" hotel!

47. Go up to the roof of the Casa Mila (La Pedrera) 

48. Have a drink or a coffee in the Plaça del Sol 

49. See the Torre Agbar light up at night or go during the day to visit the Mirador Torre Glories for 360 degree views of the whole city! 

50. Check out Casa Vicens, a Modernist building built in the 1880s and considered to be Gaudí's first major project

51. Visit La Sagrada Família, a work in progress for over 100 years

52. Marvel at the Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau on the UAB campus

53. Sit on Gaudi's beautiful mosaic bench in Park Güell 

northern barcelona & tibidabo

54. Get lost in the maze within the Parque del Laberinto de Horta 

55. Visit the Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes, a Gothic convent 

56. Put on your Barça jersey and check out a match at FC Barcelona’s Camp Nou 

57. Get some of the best views of the city from Tibidabo’s Parc d’Atraccions 

58. Hike the trails of the Collserola Natural Park (the Carretera de les Aigües path).

59. Stop to smell the roses in Parc Cervantes 

60. Try the original patatas bravas at Bar Tomás in Sarrià

61. Catch the golden hour at the Bunkers del Carmel with friends


62. Watch the Magic Fountain show, complete with lights, water, and music

63. Explore the MNAC (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya), built for the 1929 International Exhibition

64. Dive into the Piscina Municipal de Montjuïc, the outdoor olympic pool overlooking the city

65. Wander Poble Espanyol to get a glimpse of architecture across Spain's different regions

66. Channel your inner Olympian at the Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport.

67. Visit the most complete collection of Miró’s work at the Fundació Joan Miró 

68. Stroll through the Botanical Gardens and the Sculpture Garden

69. Get great views of the sea from the Castell de Montjuïc. In the summer, attend an outdoor movie on the castle grounds.

70. Check out the Teatre Grec, an open air amphitheatre built for the 1929 International Fair. If you're in BCN in the summer, attend a show as part of the Festival Grec.

71. Spend the night visiting museums and dancing during Nit dels Museus in the summer

72. See the firework and music show at the end of La Mercè festival in September

experience catalunya

73. Discuss national identity with a Catalan and learn about the roots of the Catalan independence movement

74. Buy yourself or a loved one a rose and/or a book on Saint Jordi Day (April 23) 

75. Attend a castellers practice and join in on making the piña 

76. Sip a vermut before lunch on a Sunday 

77. Make friends with someone named Jordi 

78. Eat calçots and fall in love with Romesco sauce 

79. Join in the Correfoc (fire run) - don't forget to wear long sleeves

80. Try the Catalan foods listed in the Barcelona Student Guide

81. Learn 10 phrases in Catalan. Bon dia, com estàs? 

82. Send a Barcelona postcard to friends and family

83. Read a book or watch a movie/show in Spanish!

84. Engage with the communities that make up Barcelona's unique fusion of ethnicities, religions, and cultures by talking to a local from that community, trying their cuisine, or learning a word from their language. Learn about them here!

85. Dance in the street at one of the many neighborhood festivals 

86. Take a cooking class to perfect your Tortilla Española

around barcelona

87. Visit the monastery and go hiking at Montserrat 

88. Tour the Roman ruins in Tarragona 

89. Stroll through Girona’s medieval core and learn about its Jewish history

90. Have a surreal experience at Salvador Dalí’s Teatre-Museu in Figueres 

91. Visit one of the beautiful Costa Brava villages like Tossa de Mar or Cadaqués. Do part of the Camino de Ronda cliffside trail linking the coastal towns 

92. Take a hike in Montseny national park 

93. Join the madness of Carnival in Sitges 

94. Go on a cava tour and taste the Spanish version of champagne at its source 

95. Visit the Pyrenees for hiking, skiing or rafting

GO VERDE! Sustainable study abroad

96. Buy produce that's grown in Spain (think oranges, lemons, olives, grapes, tomatoes, etc.), and in-season

97. Go veggie! Try one of Barcelona's amazing vegetarian or vegan restaurants. Here are some of our favorites.

98. Do your shopping with a re-usable tote bag! 

99. Choose train travel over plane travel for one of your weekend trips. See here for our recommendations and here for more info on train travel from Spain.

100. Invent your own! Tell us what you've discovered in BCN! 

so, how'd you do?

Add up the number of things you’ve checked off to find out....


You’d better get off your butt and start exploring! Or maybe you’ve just arrived, in which case, welcome to Barcelona! 


You’ve scratched the surface, but you have so much more to explore!


Congrats! You’ve done a ton but still have left a few things for your next visit.


Seriously? You’re practically Catalán by now! Molt bè!