Religious GroupS

Whether you practice a religion or not, going abroad exposes you to different belief systems, which allows you to learn more about your host country’s culture.  If you follow a belief system different to the main religion in Spain, you may need some help to find resources to maintain your spiritual practice abroad - but not to worry, because the Barcelona SAE team is here to help!

Here are some THINGS to consider before going abroad:

Spain's religioN & historical CONTEXT 

The Catholic branch of Christianity is the most common religion in Spain, but with high levels of secularization (a movement away from religious institutions). While Catholicism is still the primary religion in Spain, most Spaniards—and especially the younger generations—choose not to follow Catholic teachings in morals, politics, or sexuality and do not attend mass. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Spanish Constitution

Even though only 3% of Spaniards consider religion as one of their three most important values (lower than the 5% European average), Catholicism's influence can still be seen in Spain's everyday life, with religious holidays and festivals, and of course, in their many churches and museums. Each city, town, and village in Spain has its own patron saint.

Judaism and Christianity were introduced to the Iberian Peninsula in Roman times, with the latter absorbing many elements from "pagan" practices that survived for a while even among Christianized populations. Islam was introduced to the Iberian Peninsula after the Muslim conquest in the 8th century. In the late 15th to early 16th century, Jews and Muslims were forced to choose between conversion or expulsion, in an attempt to create Catholic uniformity across the region.

ReligioUS services & resources

In the city of Barcelona, 60% of places of worship belong to minority religions (those other than Catholicism). After Catholicism, the second religious tradition with the largest number of places of worship in Barcelona are the Protestant and Evangelical churches.


The most widely practiced religion in Barcelona is Catholic Christianity but again, secularization is strong, in line with other Western European trends.  There are Catholic parishes in each neighborhood. Hours for mass in each language are posted on the door of the church. The Cathedral and the other historic churches near the city center offer masses.

religious centers:

Barcelona Spain Church Directory

Map of 8 Historic Churches in Barcelona

Mass at Sagrada Familia 

Services in English:


Barcelona has a rich Jewish history that dates back many centuries. While the city's Jewish community was once thriving, its continuity was affected by various periods of persecution. The Jewish community has been active again in BCN since the 20th century. Currently, Barcelona has a local but relatively small Jewish community, with estimates placing the figure at between 5,000 and 15,000 people.

Cultural and religious centers: 

Other resources:

Check out our Barcelona Student Guide page on Kosher restaurants and shops here.

KAHAL: Your Jewish Home Abroad

Mozaika - A non-profit organization that aims to popularize Jewish culture, to bring it closer to the general public, to make it accessible, to share questions and a few certainties with those who wish to participate.

Barcelona Jewish History Museum - Located in the heart of the medieval Jewish quarter, El Call, this museum offers insights into the history of the Jewish community in Barcelona.

Associació Call de Barcelona - Aims to recover the historical memory of Judaism in Catalonia. Located within the Main Synagogue, you can visit a collection of Jewish objects from the 3rd and 4th centuries, as well as archeological excavations from the Roman era.

Jewish Film Festival - This festival, held annually, showcases Jewish culture and heritage through cinema. It features a selection of Jewish-themed films and is an opportunity to learn about Jewish life and history.

Shalom Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain Jewish History Tour

Barcelona - Jewish heritage, history, synagogues, museums, areas and sites to visit


In Barcelona, there is a specific district where the Muslim population is primarily settled - Ciutat Vella (more specifically, in the Raval neighborhood). There are 26 Muslim places of worship in Barcelona. The main Muslim community in Barcelona is of Pakistani origin. They are the third largest immigrant population living in Barcelona. The second biggest Muslim population is the Moroccan community.

Cultural and Religious centers:

Other resources:

Check out our Barcelona Student Guide page on Halal restaurants here.

How to Keep Halal while Traveling

Junta Islàmica Catalana (JIC) - An organization plays a significant role in representing the Muslim community in Catalonia, including Barcelona. It is involved in interfaith dialogues, legal issues, and community outreach. 

If you are traveling to Madrid, the Mezquita Central Madrid is located at Calle Anastasio Herrero 5 y 7 (Metro Estrecho) -


Buddhism didn't arrive in Spain until the late 20th century. According to an estimation from 2018, there are around 90,000 followers of Buddhism in Spain, and a total number of around 300,000 adherents if sympathizers are included. Barcelona is home to different Buddhist centers.

Some Resources:

Sakya Tashi Ling - A well-established Tibetan Buddhist center located outside of Barcelona in Garraf that follows the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and offers teachings, meditation sessions, and cultural events.

Kadampa Meditation Center Barcelona - Part of the New Kadampa Tradition, this center offers meditation classes and courses on modern Buddhism. It's a welcoming place for individuals interested in incorporating meditation and Buddhist principles into their daily lives.

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