Akomanga Waru (Hub 8)

Hub 8, Term 3, Communication Update

A warm welcome back to you all and a special welcome to our families who are new to Stonefields School. We are excited to hit the ground running and get stuck in with our authentic and fun learning for our tamariki.

We are continuing to build our learners’ confidence and their knowledge in our digital learning space. They are continuing to build their knowledge of our Kawa of Care and are reflecting on how to be cyber smart using our traffic light system.

Below we have attached screenshots of our traffic light system with the consequences for each stage. All learners are familiar with this, it would be great if you could please reiterate the kawa of care with your child.

Whole School Communication

Please read this link for further information about Stonefields School

Community Notices

Please take the time to click on our community notices. This section holds information on what is going on in and around our community, outside of school activities. New notices have and has recently been added and the section is updated on a regular basis.

Matariki Breakfast

We had such a lovely time at our Matariki breakfast. It was great to see learners and parents celebrating the Maori New Year together.

What’s on in Term 3

Concept Learning

This term, we will be exploring the concept of sustainability through the lens of everyday packaging. We will be looking further into the production of different packaging materials and the effect they have on our environment. We want learners to be aware of the importance of using sustainable materials so they are able to make informed decisions in the future. We may be asking learners to bring in plastic bags and packaging and more information will be given closer to the time.

At the end of the Term, we will be having a recyclable packaging market day for learnersWhen: Tuesday 24th SeptemberTime: 10.30 - 12.30pm Where: Set up in Hub 7 & 8

Junior Cross Country (Year 0-3)

Our staff and learners have been exploring some big questions in regards to our whole school sports events and reflecting on the purpose, outcomes and inclusivity. Learning design is always evolving and our sports events should be evolving too to ensure that we are providing the richest opportunities for all of our learners.

Last term, in response to learner's voice, we made changes to the Senior Cross Country. This was hugely successful and we were really excited by the atmosphere on the day and the massive shift in the data from learner's voice after the event. Key outcomes were: increase in motivation and participation, increased sense of success and learners enjoying having more agency.

With the Junior Cross Country approaching we are thinking about where we go next with this event. We would love to have a community voice on this, from parents/caregivers of learners who love cross country and from those who hate cross country. All perspectives are important is helping us to meet the diverse needs of our learners.

On Friday, 2nd August, we will be having an open forum in Hub 3 from 8:00am - 8:45am. Muffins and coffee will be provided. If you are keen to come along and share your ideas please RSVP for catering purposes. If you are unable to attend but would still like to contribute please email your thoughts to lynnk@stonefields.school.nz

    • The Junior Cross Country will take place on Friday 23rd August 2019 (Save Date: Friday 30th August 2019)

Dance Lessons

Learners will be participating in dance lessons - 5 sessions over a 3 week period. There will be an opt-in performance for those learners who are interested.

More information will be provided closer to the time.

Kiwi Sport

This Term Hub 7 and 8 will be participating in weekly Get Set Go lessons. Hub 7 will go in the first block on Thursday (9:05am - 10:50am) and Hub 8 will have their lessons in the second and third block on Thursday (11:30am - 2:25pm). Please note that our Kiwisport programme starts in Week 2 and will be running for six weeks. As physical education is an important part of our curriculum, we encourage all learners to participate.

Important Reminders

Brainfood Snack

Some of you will be familiar with our Brainfood snack and how it helps our learners to remain focused during learning time and get the most out of that time. We will have a brainfood snack, which learners will eat around 10am every day. This is optional, not compulsory. It gives our learners an opportunity to have a quick snack while they are learning. The Health organisation refer to ‘smart snacking’, where people feel more energised, can help with concentration and memory.

So this doesn’t compromise learning time and become a break, we are asking for learners to bring in a vegetable or piece of fruit which is preferably sliced or peeled, wrapped separately or in a container that is named.

Learners will bring it into the Hub before school and place it in the labelled brain food container in the Hub. As we are a rubbish free school, could food wrappers please be kept at home, or snacks be brought into a named container. Brain food is vital for children during their learning. Lollies, muffins and treats need to be left at home, please. Thank you for your support with this.

General Housekeeping

Reading Books

Children will be given reading books each week and we expect them to read at home every day. All books need to be returned each week. Please ensure your child bring their book bag to school each day. Readers will not go home unless they are in a book bag. You may purchase book bags from the office.


Please make sure your child is at school before 8.55am (when the bell goes) to ensure they are ready for the start of their school day. It is preferable that they arrive at 8.45am to sort out their things and then get ready for learning. If you would like to speak to a teacher regarding your child’s learning, please email to arrange a time to meet.. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

School Supervision

Our learning day starts at 8.55am, our Hub doors open at 8.30am. When learners arrive in the morning we encourage them to organise themselves to be ready for learning. This involves hanging up their bags and bringing in their book bags. If learners arrive before 8.30am they can be booked into Kelly Club. Kelly Club provides both before and after school care. Please contact Celia Mackinven stonefields@kellyclub.co.nz should you require before and after school care.


If your child is sick, for example; contagious coughing, coloured mucus from the nose, high temperatures, has been vomiting or had diarrhoea, please keep them home so other children in the hub and teachers do not get sick. We prefer that the children stay at home for 48 hours after their sickness so the bugs can not be passed on.

Parent Helpers Please!

We would love your help with the following:

    • Putting reading books away
    • Listening to learners read
    • Photocopying
    • Laminating
    • Pencil sharpening etc.

Please feel free to connect with us, we are free most mornings and after-school, except for Thursday mornings and Mondays after school.

Please email us if you have any questions. Our collective email addresses are:



Kindest Regards

Anita Unka, Makere Stirling, Melissa Heng, Emma Clark, Amanda Lunken and Bea Gardner