SchoolTalk End of Year Reporting - Update 2

Communicating End of Year Achievement and Progress with Parents

We are now ready to share your child’s end of year achievement and progress report with you. On Monday, 16th December you will receive an email from SchoolTalk with your child’s end of year report. The purpose of this communication is to outline what to expect and to answer any questions you may have.

You can expect to see how your child is achieving against each aspect of the School's Graduate Learner Profile (see below). There will be three main parts to your child's end of year achievement and progress report.

    • A written teacher comment about your child (Years 1 - 8), and a reflection written by your child if they are in Years 4 - 8.
    • Progress against the expected curriculum levels in Reading, Writing and Mathematics and your child's next learning steps.
    • Progress against the School's Graduate Profile Outcomes, such as Collaboration and using the Learner Qualities.

Please note if your child is in Hub Koru, you will receive a physical report from their hub teachers. This report will be about your child's experience at school so far rather than a measure against the curriculum level expectations.

How to read your child’s end of year achievement report

Reading, Writing and Maths Reporting

Each report shows you how your child is achieving against each of the areas of reading, writing and mathematics. Your child's achievement is shown on a continuum 'working towards', ‘working within’ and working above’. The yellow indicates 'working towards’ the expected level and the green represents ‘working within’ or 'working above' this level.

You will also see a view that illustrates your child's progress over time (since being enrolled at Stonefields School).

If your child’s dot is within the pale green band this signals that they are working within their current curriculum level.

The dots on the graph show the Overall Teacher Judgement for the progress your child has made in this curriculum area.

NOTE - The dots represent an Overall Teacher Judgement of what has been taught. Therefore, the dot represents a point in time. If your child is within the same colour band as they previously were, they have made progress, regardless of the direction of the line.

The bars underneath the Overall Teacher Judgement further break down achievement in each aspect of the curriculum areas

Next Steps

Your child’s next steps for learning are detailed in the right hand column of the snapshot. Up to 5 next steps are highlighted for each curriculum area. If viewing your child's snapshot on a mobile or smaller device, the next steps will display under the achievement bars.

Graduate Profile Reporting

Building Learning Capacity, Collaborating, Making Meaning & Break Through

Since opening, the School has been reflecting on what learning matters for our young people to ensure they are successful, life long learners and equipped for the predicted future world.

The NZ Curriculum, research and future predictions have informed the outcomes in our 'Graduate Profile'. The outcomes sit under each of our four vision principles. We aspire for all our learners to achieve these School expectations after 8 years at Stonefields School. These outcomes are shown in spider graphs and bar chart form, and show you how your child is meeting expectations in all aspects of our 'Graduate Profile'.

Below is an example of the Building Learning Capacity spider graph. You will see two additional spider graphs, one showing achievement against the 7 Learner Qualities expectations and the third, which shows Collaborating, Making Meaning and Break Through.

The key beneath the spider charts indicates whether your child is working towards, working within, or working above the Stonefields School expectations.

SchoolTalk Progressions

Once you are logged into SchoolTalk you can find out further details on your child’s progress and next steps by clicking on the progression button in the left hand sidebar. Click here to learn how to do this.

Green Highlighting - Your child has achieved the learning intention.

Yellow Highlighting - This is a current next learning step for your child.

Blue Highlighting - Your child has submitted evidence of achieving the learning intention and is waiting for the teacher to assess whether it has been achieved for it to be marked green.

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Need Help? - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I have forgotten my SchoolTalk login and want to access my child's progressions?

    • By clicking on this link it will take you to the SchoolTalk login page. Click on the 'forgot password' link and follow the instructions.

What if I don’t have a login for SchoolTalk?

Will I receive an end of year achievement report if I haven't registered in SchoolTalk?

  • You will receive your child's end of year report whether you have registered for SchoolTalk or not. If you have not registered you will be prompted to do so by clicking on the register for SchoolTalk link at the top of the email you will receive.

What should I do if I haven’t received a report of my child’s progress?

    • If you have not received an end of year report please email

How do I help my child at home with their next steps?

    • Once you log in to SchoolTalk, you can then access the resources and support your child with their next steps at home if you would like. SchoolTalk has a growing number of resources (currently around 2800) that are linked to each learning intention and can be used by learners and parents at school and home. Some learning intentions don't have resources, this is continually being added to. Click here to watch this small clip to learn how to access the resources.

Where do I go if I have concerns or questions about my child’s report?

    • If you have concerns or questions regarding your child’s end of year achievement report please talk to one of the hub teachers.

The blue bar sits in the range of 'working towards', what does this mean?

    • This indicates that your child continues to work towards meeting the curriculum level expectation. Acceleration of progress is required in order for the expectation to be met by the end of the year. When a child is working towards this expectation it indicates they can be between 1-2 years below the expected curriculum level. This area is yellow in colour and is indicated on the key underneath the graphs.

The blue bar sits closer to 'working within' and 'working above', what does this mean?

    • This indicates that your child is strong in their current curriculum level and likely has consolidated their knowledge thoroughly at this level.

I don't know what the sidebar buttons do in SchoolTalk?

    • If you click on the ? in the side bar you will access a series of help videos that teach you the functionality of SchoolTalk.

Can I print my child’s report?

    • The end of year report has been designed so it can be printed if you would like a hard copy. It can also easily be shared digitally with grandparents and other significant people in your family. If you don’t have access to a printing facility, please email either the hub teachers or and they will happily print you a copy.

Why SchoolTalk?

    • To develop agency in children to know where they are and what their next learning step is.
    • To provide real time information for parents about what your child is learning and what their next steps are.
    • To provide resources to support learners to advance their learning at school and home.
    • To create efficiency for teachers to analyse gaps and design learning to meet different groups of children’s needs.

If you are new to Stonefields School, this short video outlines why we have been developing SchoolTalk more fully.