Update 5 - 4th April 2019

Critical to Learn

Thank you to the 10 parents/caregivers who have completed the Critical to Learn feedback form.

If you did not have the chance during the ‘Meet the Teacher' event, we would still love to hear from you. Please take a moment to complete a short survey by clicking HERE.

Over the past two weeks we have been capturing student voice from our Year 4-8 learners via a survey where they were asked to contribute what they believe and feel is critical. Our Year 1 - 3 learners will be engaged in conversations with their hub teachers and their ideas captured and synthesised.

We are looking forward to sharing snap shots of all the feedback in the upcoming communication updates.

School Strike 4 Climate Action NZ

Students across Aotearoa came together on the 15th March adding their voice to a global movement demanding action on climate change. Oliver, one of our year 3 learners had this to say - "There were ten thousand children there. There was a lot of shouting and talking about the climate. Everybody copied what the leader was saying and finishing the sentences when he tells them to. When he said school we had to say strike. He said strike strike strike and we had to say it. They said lower the emissions and that means you have to stop climate change by stopping using petrol cars and fossil fuels. They said walk or bike to school. I had to think a lot about whether I should go to the strike or school because I like learning but I also want people to do something about climate change"

Learner Safety - Courtesy Crossings

Drivers are not obliged to stop at courtesy crossings and we encourage you to continue teaching your children not to cross the road when a car has stopped for them at a courtesy crossing. Although we agree the driver is being polite, it creates the illusion for children that all cars will stop, which unfortunately is not the case.

Photo courtesy of the family.

Pōwhiri | Welcome to New Families and Staff

When: Monday 29th April 2019 | 9.15am.

Details: Our whole School will formally be welcoming our new learners and staff with a Pōwhiri. You are most welcome to join us and gather in the court area at around 9.10am. Our new families will meet at the front of the School (next to the School office) at around 9.10am. Following the Pōwhiri at around 10.00am, we will have morning tea for our visitors in the staff hub upstairs, we would love you to join us.

We will keep you updated with a plan via the school app alerts if it is too wet to go ahead.

School Online Shop | Kindo

Are you new to the Stonefields School community or don't have a Kindo account yet? Our school online shop is open 24/7 for orders and payments through our school website. Your myKindo account is designed to make it easy for you to manage school payments. Click HERE for more information.


We are delighted to share with you that we have, through Kindo, kicked off a new fundraising initiative. All funds raised continue to go towards our Master Plan (sun shading, gardens etc)

Eco Shop | A great initiative that does our little bit to help the planet |

School Supervision

Hub doors open at 8.30am. Teachers are not able to actively supervise learners prior to 8.30am. Should learners need to arrive at school before 8.30am they will need to be booked into Kelly Club. Kelly Club provides both before and after school care. Email to make a booking.

Second Hand Uniform

The second hand uniform shop will be open in the hall on Monday 29th April 2019 from 2.30pm - 3.15pm. Items start from as little as $10. Note - it is a cash only shop (no eftpos)

Donations of pre-loved uniform items are gratefully accepted throughout the year and can be dropped off at the school office.

Community Notices

Please take the time to read our community notices. This section holds information on what is going on in and around our community, outside of school activities. The section is updated on a regular basis.

Kelly Club Holiday Programme

Click HERE for more information.

Selwyn Community Education Holiday Programme

Click HERE for more information. Should you wish to make a booking, click HERE

Munch Cupboard are an award winning New Zealand self-sustaining social enterprise. Our drive is to assist in social change to make the world a better place for the next generation through considering the environment and what we feed our children.

Some examples of products to purchase are beeswax wraps, lunch boxes, reusable organic sandwich bags and produce bags etc. View the full range of products and make purchases through our school online shop.

Items are delivered to school every fortnight, free of charge and we will contact you once your items arrive (please note, should you order during the school holidays, the delivery may take a little longer but we will be in touch as soon as your items are ready for you to collect)


Sausage Sizzle

Thank you to all of our families who supported Hub 5's sausage sizzle this week. This fantastic group of learners did a wonderful job in organising the event, even dealing with some curly problems a day before the sausage sizzle - some great real life learning. They raised $435 which goes towards their 2019 camp costs - ka pai!!

School App

Due to some recent changes in the Apple App Store our School App has been migrated over to the SchoolAppsNZ container app.

You will receive an alert, simply follow the steps within this to update to the new app. Once you have the new app available on your mobile, you will be prompted to delete the old one. The look and functions remain the same, with the only difference being that the app will no longer display the school logo.

If you are not currently using the app, it is available to both iOS users and Android users and can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store or Play Store, searching for SchoolAppsNZ.

Something Exciting Is Coming

You asked, we listened... Term 2 will see the launch of an exciting, new communication platform... watch this space!

Staff News

Hub 8

It is with regret that we advise you that Adeline Martin has resigned from her teaching position at Stonefields School. Adeline will be leaving us at the end of Term 1.

Adeline will be sincerely missed by her learners, staff and the community as a whole and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

We are delighted that Beatrix Gardner will be taking up a full time position in Hub 8 from the start of Term 2. Beatrix currently teaches 5 days a week across the school and is very familiar to many of our learners, also having previously taught in the year 1 and 2 hub.

Hub 1

Lisa Gower, who has relieved in our School will be joining the Hub 1 team in a co-teaching position with Ashleigh Taylor. Ashleigh is currently working mornings only while she continues to work towards returning to her full time teaching position post a concussion injury.

In Term 2, we welcome Melanie James who is joining us from the United Kingdom and comes with great teaching experience. Melanie will join Hub 1 in a full time position and is an additional resource when we welcome 20 new Hub Koru learners into Hub 1.

We are committed to ensuring that ratios are low and are pleased to share that, with Melanie joining the team, the hub ratio will be less than 1 to 20 learners.

Hub 2

Sylvia Kavanagh, who has currently been relieving in our School has been appointed in a relief teaching position from week 3 in Term 2 while Hayley Hindson is on sick leave.

Hayley will be on sick leave from Thursday 11th April 2019. Helen Watson who is very familiar to many of our learners and families will be supporting Hub 2 for the first 2 weeks before Sylvia joins the team.

From all of us at Stonefields School, we wish Hayley a speedy recovery.

Sports News

We have had a wonderful and busy term with sports. Most recently some of our learners have taken part in the below events.

Eastern Zones Swimming Championship

Well done to all of our learners that qualified for the EZ swim meet on the 26th of March. All learners faced a very hard and talented competition and had to bring their best to every race they were in. Congratulations to Maddy who qualified for the 50m Backstroke and 50m Freestyle finals for our school.

Written by: Megan & Maddy

2019 Entertainment Books | Bonus Early Bird Offers

Click HERE to pre-order the NEW 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership and receive bonus offers you can use right away!

Mention Stonefields School at the till when paying for your items at Mitre 10 Lunn Avenue and we earn points towards materials.

Mt Roskill Adapted Sports Day

We had a lot of fun competing at the Mt Roskill Adapted Sports Day last week. Our learners took part in the hurdles, long jump, shot put, sprints and an obstacle race. Anjali and Ishika gave every event 100% and won a lot of ribbons, including a very well deserved 1st place. Tino pai rawa atu!

Mention Stonefields School at the till when paying for your items at Look Sharp Lunn Avenue to receive a 5% discount.

Term Dates 2019

T1: 4 Feb - 12 April

T2: 29 April - 5 July

T3: 22 July - 27 Sept

T4: 14 Oct - 18 Dec

Eastern Zones TAG

A huge congratulations to our TAG teams who finished 2nd in the Boys Championship Grade and 3rd in the Girls Development Grade. The atmosphere was fantastic as the girls grew in confidence with every game and the boys fought hard through every game to meet Pt England in the deciding match. We were extremely proud of our teams and their efforts!

Eastern Rippa Rugby

Congratulations to our year 5 and 6 girls and boys who took part in the Eastern Rippa Rugby tournament today. A big shout out to our team one who won 6 out of 7 games, scoring over 50 tries throughout the day. Both teams demonstrated great team work, leading to some fantastic tries particularly as lots of players where taking part in Rippa for the first time and we are incredibly proud of everyones achievements.

As always, we would like to thank all of our whānau for their continued support, we are looking forward to volleyball next week and more sports in Term 2.

2019 Netball

The 2019 Netball Expressions of Interest is now closed. Thank you to everyone that completed the form. We are delighted to share that we have a little over 100 keen netball players for this season! We are currently working through all the responses and will be in touch with everyone as soon as we have all the details finalised.

The sports website has recently been updated and it houses a wealth of information for easy reference.

Lost Property

We are extremely grateful to the wonderful group of parents who have recently spent some time sorting out and cleaning up the lost property cupboard. All named items were returned to learners and all unnamed items have been dated and placed back into the lost property cupboard. Towards the end of this term, all named items will once again be returned to learners. Unnamed and unclaimed items that have been in the cupboard since the clean up began (before 25th March week 8) will be donated to the second hand uniform shop.

We are currently working hard on a labelling solution as we are acutely aware of the continuous lost property battle. We hope to share some good news with you soon.

Community Notice for Stonefields Residents

Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) in Stonefields

We recently received a letter from Watercare regarding FOG - Fat, Oil and Grease.

Currently there is an ongoing issue with large quantities of FOG arriving at the wastewater pump station servicing Stonefields in the wetlands. The excessive FOG is causing issues with the pumps and can potentially result in blockages and overflows onto land. All business owners and residents are being asked to be mindful of how they dispose of all FOG materials. Please be mindful here at school and at home to not pour FOG down sinks.

Please do:

  • Scrape pots, pans and plates into the rubbish and rinse before placing in the dishwasher
    • Cool waste FOG then place in the bin or if you have it a specialist oil recycle bin.