Town Mouse and Country Mouse


Narrator: Once upon a time, in a cozy countryside and a bustling town, there lived two cousins - Town Mouse and Country Mouse. Town Mouse, accustomed to city life, decided to visit his cousin in the countryside.

(Town Mouse enters the stage)

Town Mouse: (excited) Hello, dear Country Mouse! I've come for a visit to experience your simple country life.

Country Mouse: (welcoming) Welcome, cousin! I may not have the luxuries of the town, but we have fresh air and delicious food.

Narrator: The cousins sat down for a meal of grains and fresh vegetables when suddenly a farmer appeared.

(Farmer enters)

Farmer: (speaking to the mice) Ah, look what we have here! Dinner!

Narrator: Startled, the mice scurried away and hid. Once the danger passed, they resumed their meal.

(Town Mouse looking dissatisfied)

Town Mouse: (complaining) This food is bland and simple. I miss the tasty treats of the town.

Country Mouse: (smiling) It may not be fancy, but it's wholesome and safe.

Narrator: Feeling unsatisfied, Town Mouse convinced Country Mouse to visit the town with promises of grand feasts.

(Country Mouse and Town Mouse exit to the town)

Narrator: In the town, they feasted on delicious scraps from the market when a menacing cat appeared.

(Cat enters)

Cat: (threatening) Mice for dinner, how delightful!

Narrator: Terrified, the mice scurried away and narrowly escaped the cat's claws.

(Town Mouse and Country Mouse return to the countryside)

Town Mouse: (catching his breath) I may have underestimated the dangers of the town.

Country Mouse: (nodding) Our simple life may not be extravagant, but it's safe and peaceful.

Narrator: The cousins learned that each had their own preferences, but safety and simplicity were valuable virtues.