The Frogs' Wish for a Leader


1. Freddie the Frog

2. Fiona the Frog

3. King Croak (represented by a puppet or a drawing)

4. Benny the Bunny (optional)

Scene 1: The Pond Gathering

(Freddie and Fiona, two frogs, are gathered with other frogs near the pond.)

Freddie: I wish we had a king to guide us and make decisions.

Fiona: Yeah, someone to lead us and keep things in order.

Scene 2: Benny's Curiosity

(Benny the Bunny hops by, curious about the frogs' discussion.)

Benny: (whispering to the audience) Frogs wishing for a king? Let's see where this goes.

Scene 3: The Arrival of King Croak

(Suddenly, a large frog named King Croak appears.)

King Croak: Greetings, frogs of the pond! I am your new king, King Croak.

Fiona: (excited) Our wish came true! A king!

Scene 4: The New Rules

(King Croak begins to set rules for the frogs.)

King Croak: From now on, we will have a strict schedule for croaking, and everyone must follow it.

Freddie: (whispering to Fiona) I didn't expect rules like this.

Scene 5: Benny's Observations

(Benny watches as King Croak introduces rules.)

Benny: (whispering) Sometimes, what we wish for may not turn out as expected.

Scene 6: The Pond Tension

(With the new rules, tension rises among the frogs.)

Fiona: I miss the freedom we had before.

Freddie: Maybe having a king wasn't such a great idea.

Scene 7: Benny's Wisdom

(Benny hops over and shares some wisdom.)

Benny: Wishing for a leader is one thing, but it's important to consider the kind of leader you want.

Scene 8: The Frogs' Decision

(The frogs gather and discuss their feelings about King Croak's leadership.)

Freddie: I think we should talk to King Croak and express our concerns.

Fiona: Let's work together to find a solution.

(They decide to approach King Croak and discuss their feelings.)