The Honest Kid and the Wolf


Kevin the Honest Kid

Walter the Wise Wolf

Benny the Bunny (optional)

Scene 1: The Flock of Sheep

(Kevin is tasked with watching over a flock of sheep.)

Kevin: (looking around) My job is to keep the sheep safe from wolves. I must be vigilant.

Scene 2: Benny's Curiosity

(Benny the Bunny hops by, curious about Kevin's responsibility.)

Benny: (whispering to the audience) Wolves and sheep—this should be interesting.

Scene 3: The Imaginary Wolf

(Kevin, feeling a bit bored, decides to have some fun.)

Kevin: (shouting) Wolf! Wolf! Help!

(Benny looks concerned and rushes over.)

Benny: Where's the wolf, Kevin?

Kevin: (smirking) Just kidding, Benny! No wolf. I wanted to see who would come to help.

Scene 4: Walter's Warning

(Walter the Wise Wolf overhears the commotion and approaches.)

Walter: Kevin, it's not wise to joke about wolves. It can create unnecessary panic.

Kevin: (defensive) It was just a harmless prank.

Scene 5: Benny's Observation

(Benny watches as Walter gives Kevin some advice.)

Benny: (whispering) Pranks can have consequences. Let's see if Kevin learns his lesson.

Scene 6: The Real Threat

(Later, a real wolf approaches the flock.)

Kevin: (panicking) Wolf! Wolf! Help!

(Benny rushes to get Walter.)

Scene 7: Walter's Help

(Walter, realizing it's a real threat, helps Kevin protect the sheep.)

Walter: Kevin, honesty is important. Now, let's drive away the wolf.

Scene 8: The Lesson Learned

(After the wolf is driven away, Kevin reflects on Walter's advice.)

Kevin: (apologetic) I'm sorry, Walter. I shouldn't have joked about the wolf earlier.

Walter: (wise) Honesty is crucial, especially in times of danger. Learn from this experience.

(They all share a moment of understanding, and Kevin learns the importance of honesty and responsibility.)