The Greedy Boy and the Filberts


Bobby the Boy

Fiona the Friend

Mr. Filbert Tree

Benny the Bunny (optional)

Scene 1: The Tempting Filbert Tree

(Bobby the Boy and Fiona the Friend are playing near Mr. Filbert Tree.)

Bobby: (spotting the filberts) Wow, look at all those delicious filberts up there!

Fiona: They do look tempting, Bobby. But remember, it's essential to share.

Scene 2: Benny's Advice

(Benny the Bunny hops by, overhearing their conversation.)

Benny: (whispering to the audience) Filberts can be tempting, but let's see if Bobby shares.

Scene 3: The Greedy Decision

(Bobby decides to shake the tree to get more filberts.)

Bobby: I want them all for myself!

(He shakes the tree, and filberts start falling.)

Scene 4: Fiona's Concern

(Fiona watches as Bobby gathers the fallen filberts.)

Fiona: Bobby, isn't that too many filberts for one person? What about sharing?

Bobby: (greedily) No way! They're all mine.

Scene 5: The Wise Mr. Filbert

(Mr. Filbert Tree, with a wise personality, speaks up.)

Mr. Filbert: Bobby, it's good to enjoy filberts, but sharing with friends is even better. Greed can lead to loneliness.

Scene 6: Benny's Observations

(Benny observes Bobby's actions and comments.)

Benny: (whispering) Greed can create distance between friends. Let's see if Bobby realizes it.

Scene 7: The Lesson Learned

(Bobby, feeling a bit lonely, reflects on Mr. Filbert's words.)

Fiona: Bobby, sharing is caring. Let's enjoy the filberts together.

(Bobby realizes the importance of sharing and decides to share the filberts with Fiona.)

Bobby: You're right, Fiona. Sharing is more fun!

Scene 8: The Shared Joy

(Bobby and Fiona sit together, sharing the filberts, and Benny joins them.)

Benny: Sharing brings joy and strengthens friendships. Well done, Bobby!

(They enjoy the filberts together, having learned the importance of sharing and friendship.)