The Wolf and the Crane


Narrator: Once upon a time, in the heart of the forest, there lived a playful wolf and a kind crane. One day, the wolf was playing too rough and ended up with a fishbone stuck in its throat.

(Wolf enters, looking uncomfortable)

Wolf: Ouch! I have a fishbone stuck in my throat, and it hurts.

Crane: (entering) Oh dear, I can help. I have a long beak that might reach and pull it out.

Narrator: The wolf, grateful for the crane's offer, eagerly accepted the help.

(Crane attempts to help the Wolf)

Crane: (gently) Hold still, Mr. Wolf. I'll try to reach that fishbone.

Narrator: The crane carefully used its long beak to extract the fishbone, and soon enough, the wolf felt relieved.

Wolf: Thank you, Mrs. Crane! That feels much better.

Crane: You're welcome, Mr. Wolf. Remember, it's important to play safely and avoid such accidents.

Narrator: The wolf, understanding the lesson, promised to be more careful in the future.