The Honest Shepherd Boy


1. Sam the Shepherd Boy

2. Benny the Bunny (optional)

Scene 1: The Lonely Hill

(Sam the Shepherd Boy is on a hill, watching over his flock of sheep.)

Sam: (bored) It's so quiet. I wish something exciting would happen.

Benny: (hopping by) Be careful what you wish for, Sam.

Scene 2: The Imaginary Wolf

(Sam decides to have some fun and shouts.)

Sam: Wolf! Wolf! Help!

(The villagers hear him and rush to the hill.)

Scene 3: Benny's Warning

(Benny watches from the side, concerned.)

Benny: (whispering to the audience) Sam is playing with fire. Let's see what happens.

Scene 4: The Villagers' Arrival

(The villagers arrive with tools to help, only to find no wolf.)

Villager 1: Where's the wolf, Sam?

Sam: (laughing) There's no wolf. I just wanted some excitement.

Scene 5: Benny's Lesson

(Benny hops over to Sam.)

Benny: Sam, false alarms can cause trouble. People may not believe you when there's a real emergency.

Scene 6: Time Passes

(Days pass, and Sam gets bored again.)

Sam: (deciding) This time, I'll be honest.

Scene 7: The Real Wolf

(A real wolf appears near the flock.)

Sam: Wolf! Wolf! Help!

Scene 8: The Villagers' Response

(The villagers hear Sam's cry but are skeptical due to the previous false alarm.)

Villager 2: Is this another trick?

Sam: (pleading) No, this time it's real! Please help!

(The villagers rush to help and see the real wolf.)

Scene 9: Benny's Reflection

(Benny observes the scene.)

Benny: (whispering) Sometimes, honesty is the best policy. False alarms can lead to real consequences.

Scene 10: The Shared Lesson

(The villagers and Sam work together to drive away the wolf.)

Sam: I've learned my lesson. Honesty matters, especially when it really counts.

(They share a moment of understanding, realizing the importance of honesty and responsibility.)