Permaculture Group

On 1st May 2014, we officially started Stanthorpe Permaculture Group under the Granite Borders Landcare umbrella. They offer support and insurance to community non-profit groups with anything to do with environmental preservation and repair.

Landcare logo

Membership is free.

The point of the Group is to network with other people interested in Permaculture and encourage the general spread of Permaculture. This can be done through regular events (hopefully most months), practical workshops, and organisation and teaching of a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course. This is a 72 hour course with a curriculum that covers Bill Mollison's Design Manual content.

Contact us to be put onto a mailing list for future events. Or join our Facebook page.

Stanthorpe Permaculture Group in Stanthorpe, Queensland, Australia is interested in natural building, organic gardening and food production, food forest implementation, renewable energy, animal systems, seed saving, slow food, LETS, permablitz, composting, vermi-composting, sustainable living, and so on.

Update in 2018 - we started regular 1st Tuesday of the month evening meetings at 7.30pm at Park & Co Lawyers offices. Guest speakers each time to present for 45minutes on a relevant topic followed by a short segment on a permaculture tool and a permaculture plant. Then supper and time to chat.