Hosting visitors

Post date: May 3, 2015

On Thursday afternoon, some members of Granite Borders Landcare came for a tour around before our quarterly meeting held locally. I learnt that one of our pumpkins is called a rice squash and how to cook it. So, it was a good hour of sharing!

Then, we had a terrible day of rain and wind on the Friday (and the question of cancelling or not), before a beautifully fine day on Saturday for the Border Landcare Organic Group. We rose early to put up a marquee and some tarps, and got everything ready. We had no idea how many people would come, but were very pleased when 46 attended. The interest in Permaculture is fantastic. Here are some photos of the one hour presentation ("Permaculture for Everyone") and then tour around:

heated greenhouse

The rocket mass heater was finished in the week before. Ready before the first frost :)

Pigs having a pumpkin treat and not sharing with each other (always fun to watch).

Yummy lunch followed and it was nice to sit and enjoy the sun outdoors.