Autumn 2017

Post date: Apr 28, 2017

I love Autumn because the days start with a crisp coolness that transitions to a sunny warmness that feels so good on the body. As the days shorten, we get less done, but that means we rest slightly more and more each day or do inside 'work'. We've moved pots and trays from the shadehouse to the greenhouse and soon will reinvigorate the soil and plant the beds out. This Winter, I aim to improve the heater by creating some kind of 'shifter' that will periodically move the wood so that it drops down and keeps the fire burning for long stretches of time. And it's coming soon, almost a frost this morning, although we may have a week or so more before the frost does come and end the growing of several vegetables (tomatoes, eggplants, and so on)

Since the last post 3 weeks ago, we have been working hard to fully complete the dome so that it is ready to accommodate our friends from Taiwan tonight. Of course, we are always doing lots of others things in between:

Autumn 2017 -blog album

Of course, Evita has also been preserving as much as she can; - lemon grass sauce, tomato jam and sauce, zucchini relish, cucumber ferment, feijoa jam and olives (from friends), herbs, as well as collecting and saving seeds.