Water garden, piglets, pizza, preserving

Post date: Jan 30, 2015

Lots happening lately. Finally took action after the recent 18mm rain half filled the outdoor bath. Put some pots inside with water loving plants (cannas, kang kong, and strawberries) and floating duck weed. Will add little fish once its settled for 2 or 3 weeks. Frogs will probably add tadpoles soon enough anyhow. Also added a strawberry box (wood is screwed to old metal gutter). These are close to backdoor and will give the bath area a bit of shade, especially when we put their shade cover on soon:

Second Mama pig had her babies last Monday, finally;

They are out and about already yesterday:

The roof to the pizza house was completed yesterday (in time for oven build workshop tomorrow);

And Evita has been busy preserving Summer into bottles (tomato pasta sauce):

Green tomato chutney:

With help from Ayano (preparing wild peaches for pickling):