Busy October!

Post date: Nov 3, 2016

Gosh, a month has passed since the last post! We have had another awesome helper couple! Helen and Damien from France. They helped us to do many tasks as we prepared for the week long superadobe workshop from the 23rd until 30th Oct. They left yesterday and I really don't know how we would have done it without them :)

Here is a small selection of photos showing some of our month:

Blog - 2 Nov '16

With the workshop over, there is still much to be done; shifting the soil around the dome asap before the grass underneath dies completely, digging a drain under the dome because there is water underneath, rendering outside and inside, and landscaping the whole area. Of course, this is between returning to 'normal' tasks like weeding, planting out veges and trees, and looking after the animals... And resting a little too. And enjoying the garden - it is flourishing at the moment:

sugarloaf flourishing