Early June update 2021

It has been quite a while since I posted on here. This is mainly because I have been demotivated by two things. One is that Facebook has blocked us from posting or messaging any links to this website and there is NOTHING we can do to unblock it. Second is that we don't have a phone or camera with good enough quality to do the quarterly updates - we won't be buying anything new again I hope, so if our dodgy second hand ones aren't up to it, then no can do. We did recently buy an second hand gopro and we'll see how that works for the update later this month....

Anyhow, we are still here at the property and doing much Permaculture. Evita did Sourdough Workshops in Mandarin in Brisbane x3 on 30 April to 2 May and in the CWA Hall in Stanthorpe in English on 8 May.

Evita also did an Introduction to Permaculture workshop in Mandarin on 3 Jan 2021 at Sugarloaf and on 6 & 7 Feb in Brisbane. And Dylan on 24 April at Sugarloaf in English. 8 workshops in less than 4 months - we were missing doing them!. The links made with the Taiwanese community in Brisbane will hopefully take Dylan there next to do more Intro to Permaculture workshops...

We organised Shane Gregg to do a much needed and interesting day workshop/talk on Dying Consciously for SPG. Numbers were lower than expected, but people aren't realising that Permaculture has such a strong People Care ethic and that this fits in very well. The people who came shared personal stories about loss, grieving, and the emotional challenges and Shane gave us tools to deal with this all more effectively. We hope for future workshops on similar People Care topics as a result of attendees telling their friends and asking for more.

Our twin kids were passed on to friends of ours and are doing well. Here is a short video of them playing when they were younger: youtu.be/T4hbz6xRllY They were so cute back then!

We had two lovely people staying in our caravan this year, Mia and Bill. They went back to Taiwan a few weeks ago. Mia made this excellent video all about beekeeping, it's in Mandarin:

Dylan went to Crystal Waters again in March to do the course again on work dynamically with groups. It was good to reinforce it all again. As a result, he also proofread Robin's new book since arriving back home. Dylan has also been doing some referencing for Rowe Morrow's next book. Good to keep learning new things and giving back to the Permaculture community.

After Evita completed translating the Permaculture Principles poster a few weeks ago into Mandarin (not released yet), she has decided to take on a massive and we think very important project of creating a website to collate Permaculture information in Mandarin. There is a dearth of permaculture resources available in Mandarin and this is excluding so many people who cannot read or listen to English. She is getting a logo done while doing some planning and then we will start on the website - exciting!