SPG - Fruit tree grafting

Post date: Aug 14, 2016

Again, Tom Dunn returned for the second year running to share his expertise, scion wood, and even some rootstock to share his passion for grafting. After talking about the basics of grafting, he demonstrated a variety of budding and grafting methods. Then we walked down the driveway to see how to apply this to a couple of old fruit trees:

Stanthorpe Permaculture Group - fruit tree grafting workshop

One a pear (above), on which we added some nashis and other pear varieties, the other an old apple, which took a massive pruning, but now sports some new fruit producing scions:

fruit tree grafting

As usual, everyone had time to have a go, to hone their newly acquired skill. After sharing a delicious lunch, Tom demo-ed on a third type; an ornamental cherry and added a few different varieties. Looking forward to this Summer when last year's grafts may bear some fruit!!

Thanks so much Tom for your generosity :)