Superb help

Post date: Oct 1, 2016

James and Alex came and helped for 9 days. They deserve special mention because so far they have been our best helpers:


Both were here to learn and got stuck into whatever we were doing. They needed little guidance as they considered what was being done. But, more than this, they fitted in so well to living here and contributed in all facets. After arriving, they got right into helping to tidy up the front of house - long overdue. Other tasks completed during their stay; extending the pig area, redoing the carport roof, planting lots of seeds, digging in the mud, levelling a terrace (rock mining) and planting corn seeds, putting together beehive boxes and frames, sorting irrigation fittings, drying herbs, weeding, chop and dropping, planting out seedlings, making preserves, and building a beehive platform:

platform for beehives

Thank you!