Spiral Herbs

Post date: Jan 5, 2014

Happy 2014 everyone!

One of the first five things we did soon after we arrived in late June was to make a herb spiral. We found a great little spot just outside the back door. We used some recently acquired bricks from an auction and rocks and filled this with horse droppings and grass, wood mulch, and sugar cane mulch. We planted herb seedlings and have been amazed at how well they have all grown. No weeds either.

completed herb spiral

4 months later (dill in centre, chia to right, mint in front, and so on):

maturing herbs in spiral

We have so much now that Evita decided to try and dry them. She successfully did this by:

herb harvest

1.) Harvest herbs

2.) Wash in water

3.) Put between towels for 2 days

4.) Tie in bunches and wrap with newspaper

5.) Hang in a ceiling corner for two weeks

6.) Take down and break into labeled jars (from left; dill, mint, geranium, lavender, perilla, fennel, rosemary, sage (little bunch), chia, parsley, oregano)

dried herbs

Easy done :)

Go to our Herbs page for useful info about the herbs we grow.