BLOG visit

Post date: May 29, 2016

The Organic Group visited us on Saturday as one of their monthly events. They came just over a year ago, so some people came to see the changes over that period, others weren't able to come last year, and some are new to Blog and interested in Permaculture. The turnout was lower this year and I think the weather was a large factor - quite a cold wind blowing.. Anyhow, after morning tea (and lots of interest in the rocket stove being used to boil the water), Evita talked about using the Moon Calendar in her food growing as well as companion planting:

Then Dylan talked about the changes on site since the last visit and answered some excellent questions such as 'What is a Food Forest?'. We then had a walk around, mostly to see the animals, but also the greenhouse and char burner. Everything quite quickly because it was cold. Thanks for coming along :)