Greenhouse & Shai

Post date: Sep 13, 2014

We met Shai when he was in Taiwan last year and he came to help and learn with us two weeks ago. After driving half way around Australia before coming to Stanthorpe, he was keen to do some physical work! Just what we always need ;)

We installed 2 water tanks. The old repaired metal one as a header tank up the hill and a new large backup storage one:

header tank up the hill

The gardens got some irrigation installed and planted out with seeds and seedlings:

More work has been done in the greenhouse which is complete yesterday except for the heater - a slow, ongoing build process:

Automatic irrigation and fan, and some night lighting if needed powered by solar panel outside. The orange contraption is a composter (of course) which we got from the dump shop a while back:

Seed trays and pots under way:

A visitor last week: