
Post date: May 24, 2017

We've had 'problems' with one or more quolls. First getting into the pigeon cage perhaps 2 years ago. And this year into the duck cage around New Year and then again on Friday night. Horrible. Not going to describe it on here. After improving their cage yet again to make it more impenetrable, I decided to set a trap. I put it on top of the duck house. The next morning it was lying on the floor. So, I turned it the right way up and set it again, leaving it on the ground alongside the cage. Next morning it was empty but the door was closed. Not sure if it was a possum bumping it or what (something is able to open the food buckets some days??!). So, I set it yet again. Next morning I went to open the duck house door and looked over to the cage - a quoll ! Got it. Incredible. Somehow, I wasn't angry with it.. I moved it away from the ducks and went to call Evita and get a camera:

After calling a nearby National Park, we drove to the edge of the park and let it go. It is a beautiful and rare animal.