1 month reflection by Vincent

Post date: Sep 4, 2013

Approximately one month ago I said goodbye to all my relatives and friends and then spent more than 24 hours flying and commuting. Finally, I arrived at my first spot in Australia: Sugarloaf Permaculture Farm which is built by Dylan and Evita.

The first image of my brain was what a beautiful place here was, there were so many trees, flowers, and edible plants. After that, I also saw some renewable devices to offer their own sustainable lifestyle such as rainwater collecting system and solar panels. That's very amazed to me who used to live in urban lifestyle for more than 29 years. They told me that is permaculture spirit: loving the people and Earth and sharing anything you have with others.

I believe this is a good place for studying English because I not only learn the professional IELTS courses from Evita but also improve my speaking and listening with Dylan who is a native English speaker. I have a lot of chances to improve my Chinese English round the clock via my everyday life with them. Although I had another Taiwanese roommate Kentan (who finished yesterday), we still forced ourselves to use English when talking to each other outside the courses and work. Moreover, we have various work linked to Permaculture and Dylan will explain the details to us. Through about one whole month of this regular lifestyle, I found my English skills is much better than before and we also have done some difficult tasks during our works. The other mentionable thing here is Evita's wonderful cross-culture dishes and desserts. Her cooking always impresses us; like veggie dumplings and BBQ sauce fried pasta.

Sunday lunch barbecue

Everything here for me is an unforgettable journey, especially when Dylan wrote down our names on the sign of the meadow to thank Kentan and I for the hard work. If anyone asks me where the best place to learn English, I will definitely recommend Dylan and Evita's Sugarloaf Permaculture and look forward to some more weeks here.

Kentan and Vincent in their meadow
meadow sign