
I am more than happy to put my muses into verses other than these but they should be a good starting point as they have verses fleshed out for the majority of muses.
The muses listed under each verse are just those that fit the easiest into that verse — I'm willing to put any muse into any of these, but might just take some more thought!
Any muses not listed in any verse below, feel free to ask me about!

Celebrity Verses

Elizabeth Thatcher — Elizabeth is a highly successful, bestselling author of historical romance novels, dedicating herself fully to her writing career. She is celebrated for her beautifully crafted tales that transport readers to various historical time periods, and revolve around themes of love, resilience, and the power of family and community. Elizabeth's novels feature strong, independent heroines who defy societal norms.Franky Doyle — Franky's never attacked Mike Pennisi. Instead, she participated in the reality TV show and wins the competition. She gained widespread recognition and this launched her culinary career, propelling her into the spotlight. Hosting a popular cooking show, she becomes a celebrity chef, who also makes guest appearances on cooking shows, culinary events, and talk shows.John Rowland Celebrity Gardener — A producer discovers him while working on a garden project for a wealthy client. John's guest appearances on established gardening shows and morning talk shows like Good Morning America and Today helped him build a strong following. After a successful pitch and a pilot episode, his show aired on HGTV and quickly became a hit.John Rowland Professional Soccer Player — John is a professional soccer player with Fairview Eagles FC in the MLS. His high school performance earned him a scholarship to a prestigious soccer academy, setting him on the path to professional soccer. Excelling in college soccer, John was drafted by Fairview Eagles FC, his hometown team. Representing the United States men's national soccer team in international tournaments brought high-pressure situations and fierce competition.Justino Rosa — Performing under his stage name, Justin Angel, he has a unique blend of pop rock, alternative rock, and indie pop. Shortly after completing university, Justino released his debut album. His dynamic stage presence and charismatic live performances became legendary, headlining major music festivals and arenas.Marie Winter — Marie entered Hollywood's entertainment industry through the adult entertainment sector. She capitalized on young, vulnerable actresses, adeptly manipulating them into participating in adult film work. As Marie's power and influence grew, she formed alliances with influential producers, directors, and studio executives, particularly powerful men who shared her manipulative nature. Her willingness to betray anyone, including her clients, rivals, and allies, became a powerful strategy for maintaining her dominance.Timothy Atkins — Tim's ice hockey career began in the NHL, with the Detroit Red Wings, as a defenseman.Trixie Franklin — Trixie's experiences as a nurse and midwife exposed her to the struggles faced by marginalized communities. These first-hand encounters left an indelible impression on her, inspiring her to become a vocal advocate for change to address the systemic issues perpetuating healthcare disparities and social injustice. Her advocacy began to gain traction as she was interviewed on radio and television shows as an expert in women's health. Over time, Trixie transitioned into a full-time activist, dedicating more of her time to advocacy work and media appearances.

Doctor Who Verses

Allie Novak — In the Undercity of New New York, Allie is addicted to mood drugs. Surviving the Bliss outbreak, Allie tries to work towards recovery, but the familiarity of using mood-altering substances as a coping mechanism is deeply ingrained in her. Engaged in sex work for survival, Allie navigates a limited clientele and financial stress.Ash Reardon — Ash works as a chef aboard The Titanic (cruise liner-spaceship). Their shift from various terrestrial kitchens to the cruise industry was a pursuit of a fresh start. Initially taking on a temporary assignment, Ash's talent secured them a permanent position as the head chef.Bridget Westfall — Bridget works as a psychologist for UNIT — she conducts psychological evaluations, offers crisis intervention, and provides ongoing mental health support. Donna Moss — Donna finds herself in the heart of the most secure financial institution in the galaxy – the Bank of Karabraxos. Motivated by a desire for financial stability after a messy break-up, and an opportunity for professional growth, Donna takes on an administrative role, overseeing the day-to-day operations and transactions within the bank.Graham Becke — In the wake of his divorce, Graham found a fresh start within UNIT, joining shortly after its reinstatement in late 2022. As a forensic accountant for UNIT, Graham was recruited by Kate Stewart.John Rowland — John found himself aboard the Byzantium, a category four Galaxy class Starliner, in the role as the caretaker of the ship's treeborgs (the partially organic, partially robotic trees that convert starlight into oxygen for the ship's inhabitants).Patsy Mount — Patsy, an Albarian, witnessed the atrocities of the Stenza as a child. Following the deaths of her mother and younger sister, she eventually found sanctuary on Earth. Arriving on Trap Street, London, language barriers and unfamiliarity with Earth posed initial challenges, but Patsy managed to adapt

Dollhouse Verses

Ash Reardon — Ash's decision to become an Active was motivated by a desire to escape their past, and the financial stability offered by the Dollhouse. It served as a means to secure a future that had been elusive in their upbringing. It was a chance to break free from the chaos of their past, a path to financial security that was once an unattainable dream. In their 'doll' state, they have no memory of their mental health history, providing a brief escape from the burdens of their past.Catia Lucas — Catia's journey into the world of the Dollhouse begins with a criminal case that captures her attention. She hears whispers of a shadowy organization rumoured to have the power to erase and control minds. Catia embarks on a relentless investigation into the Dollhouse, which operates with extreme secrecy, making it difficult for her to obtain credible information.Ellie Bishop — Following her time with NCIS, Ellie left her career behind by intentionally creating a scandal around herself. She then embarked on an undercover mission to expose and dismantle the Dollhouse. Ellie takes on the role of a handler within the Dollhouse; responsible for overseeing and managing the Actives, individuals with imprinted personalities, during their assignments.Kellie Chia — Marie introduced Kellie to the Dollhouse, erasing her identity and renaming her Kellie. She became a valuable "active" under Marie's control, her autonomy entirely lost. As an "active" within the Dollhouse, Kellie's life is a constant cycle of programming and engagements. Her personality and memories are overwritten regularly to fulfil clients' desires, ranging from romantic encounters to criminal activities.Matt Baleman — Matt serves as a handler in Marie's Dollhouse, though his involvement goes beyond his professional duties. He's responsible for Actives on engagements for clients, overseeing them and ensuring successful assignments. Matt exploits his position to customise imprints for Actives, tailoring them to cater to his own fantasies.Millie Harcourt — Millie embarks on a covert mission with MI6 to uncover the truth behind the Dollhouse. She assembles a team of trusted allies, including former colleagues Susan and Jean, who share her concerns about the organisation. She poses as a potential client, hacks into their computer systems, and conducts discreet surveillance on key individuals and facilities.

The Handmaid's Tale Verses

Allie Novak — Allie is forcibly transitioned to become a Handmaid. Derek Channing, requests Allie as his Handmaid. He is a frequent patron at Jezebels, at times taking Allie with him. Allie, nursing a deep desire for revenge against Joan (now an Aunt), attempts to kill her. She fails and Joan takes the lead on the punishment for her attempt. Marie, now positioned as overseer of Gilead's state-sanctioned brothels (see below), orchestrates Allie transition into the Jezebel establishment.Amy Cameron — Amy found herself a Handmaid in Gilead due to her crime of gender treachery (being in a same-sex relationship). Amy's opposes the regime with varying levels of recklessness — at times, being punished harshly for her lack of obedience. After escaping to Canada, Amy began rebuilding her life. Her experiences eventually drove her to become an advocate for Gilead survivors.Bridget Westfall — Bridget is living and working in Canada, providing trauma-informed therapy to refugees who have managed to escape Gilead. She collaborates with organizations like Sanctu-Care and Save the Women societies to raise awareness about the atrocities in Gilead and garner support for refugees. Her support frequently extends to legal matters, assisting refugees in navigating asylum and immigration processes, ensuring their safety in Canada.Catia Lucas — Catia took on the dangerous role of investigating Gilead's actions. Her meticulous research, multilingual skills, and extensive network of contacts allow her to uncover and report on the atrocities committed by Gilead both domestically and internationally. She conducts extensive research, building a global network of contacts, investigating the treatment of women under Gilead's regime, the indoctrination of children, and the underground movements resisting the regime's authority. Catia collaborates with NGOs, activists, and government officials — frequently travelling to Canada.Marie Winter — Marie's past as a brothel owner and an unmarried mother would typically classify her as an Unwoman under Gilead's regime. However, Marie leverages her knowledge of compromising secrets held by influential Commanders to secure her place as an Aunt. She maintains a facade of dedication to Gilead's cause. She quickly rises through the ranks of Aunts. As she progresses, she is assigned a special role as the overseer of the Jezebels, the women in one of Gilead's state-sanctioned brothels.Millie Harcourt — Millie's access to sensitive information and her desire to resist Gilead's regime led her to collaborate with underground resistance networks. Her activities eventually came to the attention of the Gilead authorities, resulting in her arrest. By way of punishment, Millie was designated as a Handmaid. She didn't stop resisting Gilead's regime though. Her intelligence and resourcefulness made her an asset to the resistance group Mayday.Trixie Franklin — Trixie chooses to relocate to Canada to offer her support and expertise to Gileadean refugees who have managed to escape. She joins organizations and communities dedicated to supporting Gileadean refugees in Canada. Leveraging her background as a nurse and midwife, Trixie offers medical expertise to provide healthcare for these women. Trixie participates in community outreach efforts, organizing events and workshops to empower refugees, helping them adapt to life in Canada and providing emotional support.
Other The Handmaid's Tale verses include:Handmaids — Anna Smith, Delia Busby, Patsy Mount, Robin GallagherCommanders — Anthony Bridgerton, Marc Astor, Matt BalemanWives — Cressida Cowper, Mary Crawley, Melanie Campbell, Nyssa al Ghul, Rosemary Leveaux, Zoey Bartlet

The Magicians Verses

Allie Novak — Allie is a psychic, and was found by Marie Winter, a powerful Hedge Witch. Marie runs her safe house in conjunction with brothels. Non-magicians pay in the brothels with money, magicians pay with spells.Amy Cameron — Amy is enrolled at Brakebills University, specialising in illusions magic. Her proficiency lies particularly within camouflage magic, allowing her to craft intricate and lifelike illusions.Bridget Westfall — Bridget is a Professor of Psychic Magic at Brakebills University. Her journey to Brakebills was influenced by a past romantic involvement with another professor in Australia that ended badly. Seeking a fresh start and a change of scenery, she joined Brakebills as a respected expert in Psychic Magic.Elizabeth ThatcherElizabeth is a Professor of Magic Knowledge at Brakebills University.Franky Doyle — Franky wasn't aware of her magical abilities at all until she was in prison and met a small group of hedge witches. She began developing her magic whilst still in prison but didn't properly start fully honing her skills until after her release.Justino Rosa — A traveller. It's a gift that he has next to no idea how to control at first and — much like his approach to all magic — once he begins to be able to control it, he largely uses it to have fun whenever possible.Nora Goddard — Nora is a Professor of Natural Magic at Brakebills University.Patsy Mount — Patsy is a teacher, specializing in Healing Magic, at Brakebills University. She was born into a magical community, which fell under the dark shadow of Reynard the Fox. He targeted her community with his magic, manipulating and deceiving its members, including Patsy's family. One night, Reynard's sadism led to a violent and bloody confrontation. Patsy, then a young child, helplessly witnessed her mother and sister's violent deaths.Trixie Franklin — Trixie's daily life revolves around her role as a healer, tending to patients who come seeking her expertise. Trixie shares her knowledge and expertise with aspiring healers and magical practitioners. Trixie also actively engages in community health and well-being initiatives.Zoey Bartlet — Zoey is the princess of a neighbouring country that borders Fillory, daughter to King Josiah. She is passionate about education and literacy, establishing libraries and educational programs to encourage learning among citizens. She also challenges outdated customs and advocates for inclusivity and cultural exchange. While Zoey's father is supportive of her, he is also highly protective of Zoey, leading to conflicts as she begins to assert her independence.
Other magicians and their magical specialities, include:
  • Healing — Delia Busby, Lucille Anderson, Sandra Walsh, Sofia Robles (hedge witch)
  • Illusions — Ibrahim Blakely, Leah Jacobs, Marie Winter (hedge witch), Robin Gallagher (hedge witch), Rosemary Leveaux
  • Knowledge — Elsbeth Tascioni, Iris Bearden (meta-composition discipline), Jean McBrian (meta-composition discipline), Millie Harcourt (meta-composition discipline), Oliver Atkins
  • Natural magic — John Rowland (plant manipulation discipline)
  • Physical magic — Hailey Yarner (hedge witch, specialising in mending), Leo Silveira, Lucy Lane, Ryan Kwan (skilled in battle magic), Timothy Atkins
  • Psychic magic — Matt Baleman

Prison Verses

(Canon verse for all Wentworth muses)
Amy Cameron — During a night out and under the influence, Amy stepped into a brewing fight to defend her friend. Throwing a punch, she hit the man who slipped, hitting his head as he fell. Though he was taken to hospital, he later passed away and Amy was charged with involuntary manslaughter.Anna Smith — Anna is wrongly convicted for the murder of her attacker, Alex Green.Ellie Bishop — Ellie takes on the persona of her alias 'Charlie,' a sex worker with ties to a drug ring, in order to go undercover as an inmate in prison. Her mission is two-fold: to uncover the truth behind the suspicious death of a female Navy member incarcerated in the prison and to expose any corruption or misconduct within the prison system.Harley Radcliff — Arrested and convicted of aggravated assault, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.Matt Baleman Prison Guard — Matt finished studying and decided on a change of scenery, moving and landing himself a job as a corrections officer in a women's prison.Matt Baleman Prisoner — After a few close shaves with the law, Matt decided that it would be best if he relocated. Unable to control his overwhelming urge to kill, the police eventually caught up with him again. Matt was arrested and found guilty of numerous crimes, which he is currently serving time for.Millie Harcourt — Her incarceration is the result of her act of whistleblowing, revealing corruption within the intelligence community, which leads to a betrayal that frames her for espionage. Her high-profile background as an MI6 operative sets her apart, and she navigates the prison environment with caution. She is determined to uncover the truth behind the espionage allegations, clear her name, and ultimately secure her release.Robin Gallagher — Her relationship with an abusive partner goes from bad to worse and her work at the strip club shifts until the entire place is taken down, Robin getting changed with both solicitation and drug trafficking charges.Ziva David — Ziva, has been wrongfully imprisoned, having been framed for crimes she did not commit by a Mira Sahar Azam (seeking revenge against her for Ziva's brother, Ari's, death). Sahar's operatives have fabricated evidence or terrorism, coercing witnesses and manipulating legal proceedings to ensure Ziva's conviction. Once in prison, Ziva's on a quest to clear her name.

Regency Era / Bridgerton Verses

(Canon verses for all Bridgerton muses)
Adam Turan — Adam's success on the stage has earned him a place among the upper echelons of society. Sponsored by a wealthy aristocrat who appreciates his talents, he navigates the social circles of the Regency era. As an actor, Adam frequents prominent theatre houses and companies. His celebrity status has earned him invitations to exclusive social events, making him a notable figure in high society.Allie NovakAllie was born into a middle-class family, but her father's descent into alcohol addiction and gambling debts plunged them into financial ruin. His reckless behavior and neglect left Allie with no support when their family home was finally lost to eviction. Homeless, desperate, and falling under the influence of Marie Winter (see below) she turned to sex work as her only means of survival.Amy Cameron — Daughter of a progressive Scottish landowner, she grew up on the family estate in Aberdeenshire. Her father ensured she received an education uncommon for women of the time. She often organised charitable events and educational programs for the children of the estate, and she championed causes such as better working conditions, access to education, and healthcare for the poor.  She frequently attends social events in both Edinburgh and London, and eventually she opened a successful inn and teahouse. Bea Smith — Bea was married to a wealthy but abusive husband, whose death under mysterious circumstances led to Bea and her daughter, Debbie, fleeing to London. Rumours swirl about her involvement in her husband's demise, though nothing has ever been proven. Debbie is Bea's utmost priority, and she attempts to shield her from the whispers about their past.Elizabeth Thatcher — Elizabeth is a well-educated young woman, born into privilege. Her early life was marked by a focus on education and the refinement of social graces. While her family's expectations for her included navigating the intricacies of high society, participating in social events, and finding a suitable marriage match, Elizabeth discreetly pursued her own intellectual interests.Franky Doyle — Having found herself living on the streets, Franky joined a gang of street children, eventually rising to a leadership position. By her late teens, she had become a notorious highwayman. Eventually, Franky’s luck ran out, and she was captured. Upon her release from prison, Franky used her savings from her heists to open a tavern.Graham Becke — Graham is renowned for his expertise as a financial advisor and accountant to several noble families. Known for his meticulousness and discretion, His analytical mind and practical approach make him indispensable in managing wealth, investments, and estates.John Rowland — As a child, John began working as an apprentice to an experienced gardener who served numerous well-off families. Over the years, John became known as one of the most talented gardeners in Mayfair in his own right. John's thriving gardening business caters to the elite, meaning he can afford a more refined lifestyle than how he grew up.Justino Rosa — Justino is the eldest son of Viscount Nicholi Rosa, a respected member of the Regency-era aristocracy. The Rosa family enjoys significant wealth, and extensive lands. As the heir, Justino serves as the Estate Manager, overseeing the agricultural aspects of the family's vast estate. The estate serves as a venue for extravagant parties and gatherings, complete with opulent decor, fine dining, and entertainment.Leah Jacobs — Leah's father was a celebrated musician who owned a popular music salon in London. She learned to play the pianoforte and harp under her father’s tutelage. Leah was soon invited to perform at high-society gatherings and balls. In addition to her high-society performances, Leah frequently performs at her father’s music salon, and soon became a performer in a renowned theatre company. Leo Silveira — Leo’s parents made significant financial sacrifices to send him to England from Brazil. He quickly made a name for himself, winning several prestigious horse races and gaining the admiration of the aristocracy for his skill and daring on the racecourse.Lucy Lane — Younger daughter of widower and Duke, Samuel Lane.Matt Baleman — Matt is the heir to the Baleman estate, which fell into disrepute due to his father's behaviour and eventual execution for his crimes. Matt's reckless behaviour, fuelled by excessive drinking and gambling, threatens the estate's stability further. He neglects his responsibilities, preferring the allure of London's social scene.Melanie Campbell — Married into the Campbell family, but soon after became widowed when her husband, James, died.Marie Winter To the outside world, she is a mysterious widow of means, but beneath this façade lies her true power and control over the city's illicit trade. Her brothels cater to various clientele, strategically located in different neighbourhoods to extend her influence across social classes and communities.Patsy MountPatsy was born in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. Her life was shattered by when their town was attacked by French soldiers during the French occupation of Spain. Patsy's mother and sister fell victim to the soldiers' brutality, whilst Patsy and her father were injured. In the aftermath, Patsy's father made the decision to send her back to England to be raised by governesses.Rosemary Leveaux — An actress and singer, aspiring to fame and fortune.Zoey BartletZoey is the youngest daughter of Duke Josiah Bartlet, one of the highest-ranking aristocrats of the time. Her marriage would be a highly anticipated social event, with considerable focus on her finding suitable matches within the aristocracy. She is discerning when it comes to potential suitors however, wanting to prioritise happiness over arranged marriages solely for social advantage.

Supernatural & Fantasy Verses

Alice Quinn — When magic is lost, Alice goes on a determined hunt for any source. Desperate to possess magic under any means necessary, as a last resort she turns to a vampire asking them to turn her.Allie Novak —  Succubus — Allie's a succubus who feeds on the chi and sexual energy of both humans and other Fae. During the time that she was homeless, Allie encountered Marie, a Fae who recognises Allie's succubus nature. Marie takes Allie under her wing, becoming her mentor whilst exploiting Allie's vulnerability to manipulate her into working in one of her brothels. Allie, having developed a chi addiction, became considerably easier to control by Marie as a result. Allie discovers a supernatural safe haven for Fae and supernatural beings. There, she meets Kaz, a prominent figure within the safe haven, who becomes her mentor and protector. She later joins the Red Right Hand, a vigilante group seeking justice against those who harm FaeAllie Novak —  Supernatural Bordello Working in Marie's (see below) supernatural bordello. As well as performing as a sex worker, Allie also offers herself up to vampires who wish to feed upon her.Amy Cameron — In a world where the supernatural is openly known to humans, Amy works as a mediator and advocate for supernatural beings' rights and equality. Amy frequently mediates disputes between supernatural beings and humans, ranging from property disputes to complex issues involving magical or supernatural powers. She works closely with lawmakers and government agencies to draft and pass legislation that ensures fair treatment and protection for these creatures.Bridget Westfall Bridget operates as a psychologist specializing in counselling supernatural beings. Her clientele includes vampires, werewolves, witches, psychics, and other supernatural beings. Bridget is a human whose relationship with a vampire girlfriend during university further fuelled her interest in the supernatural. The government recognized her expertise and recruited her to work with supernatural beings. Bridget combines traditional therapeutic methods with specialized techniques tailored to the supernatural challenges her clients face. Cressida Cowper — The Cowper family is an ancient and powerful vampire lineage that adheres to traditional vampire practices, including the hunting of humans for sustenance — setting them at odds with some of the more progressive vampire factions. Cressida’s parents enforce strict control over her actions and various methods of control and punishment, including isolating her in the mansion’s chambers and denying her blood to keep her on the brink of starvation, and forcing her to wear gowns with silver sewn through the material to weaken her.Diane Lockhart — As a vampire, Diane has been around for centuries. Every few decades she has to get herself a new identity, in a new country, so that she's not drawing unwanted attention. She doesn't mind the fact that she has to build a new law firm every time she starts over, but what is an infuriation is that she's centuries into doing this and still coming up against misogynists who don't think she's good enough.Franky Doyle — Franky is the Alpha of a powerful werewolf pack. Franky takes on the responsibility of safeguarding her pack's territory, forming alliances with other supernatural factions to strengthen her pack's position. Franky faces conflicts with rival supernatural factions and the relentless pursuit of human hunters.Graham Becke — In a world where supernatural beings exist, Graham, a sceptic, discovers the existence of the supernatural through his child, Alex's, transformation into a werewolf. Their transformation leads him to seek rational explanations, consult doctors, and investigate conventional causes. Graham's top priority is ensuring Alex's safety and helping them navigate the challenges of being a young werewolf.Jack Sloane — During a mission in Afghanistan, Jack's military unit is captured by what appears to be a terrorist organization. Unbeknownst to them, this group is a cult, masquerading as terrorists while harbouring supernatural secrets. The malevolent demon that led the cult revels in tormenting its victims. Eventually, Jack is rescued, but the ordeal leaves her both physically and emotionally scarred. After her rescue, Jack crosses paths with Leon Vance, an experienced supernatural hunter. Recognizing Jack's potential, Vance becomes her mentor and guide in the ways of hunting dangerous supernatural creatures.Justino Rosa — His clinic serves as a safe haven for supernatural creatures seeking medical care away from prying human eyes. He reserves specific time slots for supernatural beings after his regular business hours. This allows him to provide care without drawing the attention of his human clients. Word of mouth and recommendations from his supernatural patients spread his reputation as a trustworthy individual specialising in their unique needs.Marie Winter — A vampire owning and operating a series of bordellos throughout several cities, Marie decides to expand her offering. Her workers begin providing the secondary service that vampires can pay to feed on them — something that Marie expects to be offered to herself for free.Patsy Mount — A powerful vampire coven descended upon Patsy's family during a rare celestial event, in order to conduct a ritual which required human sacrifices. They launched a deadly attack that claimed the lives of her mother and sister. Patsy herself was forcibly turned into a vampire as part of the ritual.Ziva David — Ziva's born a Dhampir (a rare hybrid born of a vampire father and a human mother). Possessing a unique blend of supernatural abilities and human resilience, Ziva is a formidable vampire hunter with a reputation for her unmatched skills in tracking and neutralizing these supernatural threats.
Other fantasy verses include:
  • Incubus — Matt Baleman
  • Selkie — Robin Gallagher
  • Vampire — Franky Doyle, Kalinda Sharma, Lucy Lane, Nyssa al Ghul

Superpowered Verses

Non-Fandom Specific Verse

(Canon verse for all The Magicians muses)
Bea Smith — Bea survives the attack by Joan Ferguson, but Allie does not. Unbeknownst to her, a secret government experiment in the prison involves injecting inmates with a serum, giving Bea unique superhuman abilities including blood manipulation and enhanced strength. The government offers her freedom in exchange for her services as a superhuman operative to combat crime. She resumes her hairdressing career to maintain her secret identity but increasingly clashes with the government. As disagreements intensify, she begins to work secretly as a vigilante, leading to a growing distrust of their motives.
Justino Rosa — Justino discovers that he comes from a lineage of superheroes, whose powers remain dormant until a certain age. Justino possesses the ability to harness and manipulate energy. He can project energy blasts, create force fields, and cast illusions. Justino's powers emit an aura of joy, positivity, and celebration. It boosts the morale and abilities of those around him, creating a sense of joy in even the most challenging situations.Leo Silveira — After a horrific crash that leaves him critically injured, Leo's F1 team, desperate to save his life, reaches out to an organization specializing in advanced medical research and experimental procedures. Leo unknowingly undergoes an experimental procedure, which successfully saves his life but also inadvertently grants him superhuman speedster abilities. After fully recovering, Leo takes on the mantle of Raio Leão.Matt Baleman — Matt’s father has the ability of pathokinesis, a power that allows him to manipulate other people’s emotions. It isn’t until after his father is apprehended that Matt discovers he too has the power of emotional manipulation. He is still learning to control his ability though, so unlike his father (who could manipulate people from a distance), Matt’s power only works when he’s in direct physical contact with a person, and while the effects can last for minutes or hours afterwards, they are strongest while he’s still making contact.
Other superpowered verses include:
  • Allie Novak — Telepathic Touch, Psychic Link
  • Catia Lucas — Hope Inducement, Ability Amplification
  • Daisy Franklin — Pyrokinesis
  • Leah Jacobs — Siren Song
  • Robin Gallagher — Instructive Muscle Memory

DC / Arrowverse Verse

Amy Cameron — Amy possesses localized time manipulation powers, which she gained during the particle accelerator explosion. Amy can manipulate time, both for herself and others, but it comes with limitations. The more drastic the manipulation, the greater the strain it puts on her. Amy uses her powers to accelerate time when she's alone, seeking to escape her feelings.Bridget Westfall — Bridget is an Extranormal Psychologist within the operations of the Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO). Her primary responsibility is to provide psychological support and counselling to DEO agents. Bridget's services also extend to individuals with superpowers who face emotional and psychological challenges related to their abilities, as well as aliens who require assistance adjusting to life on Earth or dealing with the emotional fallout of their experiences. She advocates for mental health awareness and support in the DEO, as well as within the superhero and alien communities.Graham BeckeGraham is a Resource Allocation Specialist within the DEO, managing the department's resources efficiently (ensuring that personnel, equipment, and funding are allocated) and ensuring that it operates within budget.

Marvel Verse

Amy Cameron — Amy's life took a dramatic turn after a period of reckless behaviour. Seeking an escape from her emotional pain, she turned to recreational drug use and unknowingly took a highly experimental substance, which ended up having unexpected side effects due to its experimental nature. Amy experienced a dramatic physical and mental transformation. Her transformation left her with the unique ability to nullify pain in herself to an extreme degree. She can still be physically injured, but she won't feel the pain associated with it. Additionally, her touch allows her to pass on a sedative-like effect to others through physical contact, calming them down to the point where they might even pass out if the touch is prolonged.Ash Reardon — Ash took a gamble by participating in a mysterious medical trial promising quick cash. The medical trial's original intent was to explore very low doses of an experimental serum, but Ash received a far higher dose than intended. Ash's newfound powers included enhanced strength and durability, exceptional stamina and reflexes, heightened senses, accelerated healing, and slowed aging. SHIELD identified Ash as a participant who received an overdose of the serum. Ash suggested they could take on the role of a chef within SHIELD, and eventually the organisation agreed, conditional on Ash training to control their powers and contributing to SHIELD's operational missions.Bridget Westfall — Bridget works as a psychologist within the ranks of SHIELD. As a psychologist, she specializes in providing therapy and counseling to individuals with superhuman abilities. Bridget's role extends to providing therapy to SHIELD agents who may have encountered traumatic situations or face mental health challenges due to their line of work. She believes that providing therapy to these individuals is a way to contribute to a safer and more psychologically balanced world. SHIELD recognized Bridget's expertise and passion, leading to her recruitment for this specialized role.Graham BeckeGraham serves as one of SHIELD's Financial Intelligence Specialist. He analyses data to support the agency's operations, crafting detailed budgets that maximize SHIELD's effectiveness. Graham specialises in tracking the financial activities of criminal organizations that often fund superpowered threats. He advises on asset seizure, ensuring that all ill-gotten gains are confiscated and repurposed to fund SHIELD's operations or support the victims of criminal activities.John Rowland — When a client gifted him an experimental plant, John didn't know that it would grant him superhuman abilities. He possesses the power of phytokinesis (the ability to manipulate plants at will). He becomes significantly weaker in the shade or at night, but in direct sunlight, he gains incredible strength and vitality. This means that during winter months, John suffers with something akin to an extreme form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).