Kayin Blakely


Name: Kayin Blakely
Nickname(s): Kay, K

Gender & Pronouns: Cis-man, he/him
Orientation: Pansexual

Age: 21-36
Birthday: 14 September

Occupation: Cameraman

The youngest child of Hadiza and Derick Blakely, Kayin works in the film industry as a cameraman, specialising in action movies. He has a particularly close relationship with his mother. He gets along well with all of his family, his older siblings all very protective over him, largely because as child he was very shy.

Unsurprisingly, Kayin is a huge movie buff. He moved to LA as soon as he finished school, though his work now means that he frequently travels worldwide. He frequently returns back home to visit his parents but manages to see the most of his eldest sister, Amina, as she too spends large amounts of her time in LA due to work.

He has previously worked on a number of films, including Marvel movies — notably X-Men and Spiderman franchises — the Transformers, and The Hunger Games series.


Faceclaim: Elliot Knight

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

Height: 5' 11"

Tattoos: Pair of swallows, left upper-arm; flames, right ankle
Piercings: None


Father: Derick Blakely
Mother: Hadiza Rabiu

Siblings: Abdoul, Amina, Mariama, Ibrahim


Traits: Empathetic, Warm, Charismatic, Kind, Open, Optimistic, Trustworthy, Charming

Tropes: The Baby of the Bunch, The Quiet One, Secret-Keeper, Wide-Eyed Idealist, Friend to All Living Things, Hope Bringer, Likes Older Women