Harley Radcliff

Wentworth OC

(No prior knowledge of Wentworth needed to interact with)


Name: Harley Radcliff
Nickname: Harl

Age: 28-38
Birthday: 19 January

Gender: Cis-Woman, She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Harley is known amongst friends for her compassion and inclination to go to great lengths for those that she cares about. She is kind and open-minded, but is not afraid of conflict. Even as a child, she would speak her mind, and is willing to bend or even break rules if she believes that it is the right thing to do. Harley won't hesitate to assert herself, particularly if someone that she loves (or someone who cannot stand up for themselves) has been hurt.

Her parents, who had been experiencing marital problems for years, finally divorced when she was twelve. Harley's father walked out, leaving her to be brought up solely by her mother. The separation hit her hard and for some time at school, Harley had trouble with letting out her anger.

She spend her summers during college waiting tables at a local diner, which was where she first met Kaz. She would see when Kaz brought women to the diner for a hot meal before she would take them to the women's shelter down the road. Homeless women, runaways, and those from abusive situations came by and soon Hayley too was volunteering at the shelter.

After earning her second degree, Harley moved into a role as a substance abuse counsellor. She was still volunteering at the women's shelter and found plenty of use for her skills with the women who made use of the facility.


Faceclaim: Ashley Graham

Height: 5’8
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown


Occupation: Substance Abuse Counselor
Previous Occupations: Mental Health Specialist

Education: BSc in Psychology, MA in Addiction Studies


Traits: Passionate, Persistent, Loyal, Driven, Assertive, Adventurous, Bold, Opinionated, Charismatic, Rebellious, Independent



Father: Sam Radcliff

Mother: Elizabeth Jones (Née Yates)

Step-Father: Patrick Jones

Step-Sister: Kiara Jones

Miscellaneous Facts

  • Harley did not become aware of her sexuality, and subsequently come out, until during studying for her master's degree

  • She has been taking kickboxing lessons since her mid-20s

  • Her favourite drink is a piña colada

  • She has a pet cat named Leia

  • Harley has a great singing voice and can play a little piano

If your muse knows Harley...

They may also know:


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


When Kaz forms the Red Right Hand (a vigilante group, inspired by Bea Smith, enacting justice against men who abuse women), Harley needs little convincing to join her. She managed to avoid being identified as a member of the group when Kaz, and many of the others, were arrested. (In this verse, unless your muse is a member of the Red Right Hand, they will be unlikely to know that Harley is.)


Same as #1, however, Harley is arrested and convicted of aggravated assault, sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.


While Harley does know Kaz, she does not join the Red Right Hand. Her work takes her to Wentworth Corrections Centre, rather than any crimes.