Bea Smith

Spoilers: Wentworth Season 1-4
TW: Domestic Abuse, Self-Harm, Blood

Name: Bea Smith (née Corruthers)
Aliases: Red, Queen Bea

Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Woman, She/Her
Sexuality: Queer / Questioning

Age: 32-40
Birthday: 5th January
Birthplace: Hobart, Tasmania
Nationality: Australian

Mental Health: Depression, Self-Harming, Suicidal Thoughts

Crimes: Offence to Administer Substances (Acquitted), Conduct Endangering Life (Acquitted), Grievous Bodily Harm (Acquitted), Attempted Murder (Acquitted), Drug Trafficking Whilst Incarcerated, Manslaughter, Escaping Lawful Custody, Aggravated Assault, Murder

Sentence: Life - Without Parole

Previous Career: Hairdresser

Hobbies: Drawing/Sketching

Ex-husband: Harry Smith [Deceased in Main Verse]
Daughter: Debbie Smith (15) [Deceased in Main Verse]

Bea fell pregnant at the age of 17, by her high-school boyfriend, Harry Smith. They married before she gave birth at 18 to their daughter, Debbie. Through her pregnancy, and onwards in their relationship, Harry was physically, sexually and emotionally abusive towards Bea.

Sick of Harry's abuse, she eventually (16 years later) tried to kill him by knocking him out, duct taping him up inside the car and using the exhaust to suffocate him. Debbie came home from school, interrupting Bea in the middle of killing Harry. Bea abandoned the plan and told Debbie to call for an ambulance and her daughter covered for Bea by telling the operator it was an attempted suicide. The family agreed to cover it up as a suicide, but police were suspicious and arrested Bea.

On remand, for the attempted murder of her husband, Bea is sent to Wentworth Connectional Centre, a high-security prison in Melbourne.

As a newcomer to prison, Bea defies the Top Dog, Jacs, without fully understanding the consequences. Jacs responds by threatening Bea's daughter. Without Bea's knowledge, Jacs tells her son, Brayden, to seduce Debbie, get her into drugs, and eventually kill her with a deliberate overdose.

Bea confronts and kills Jacs. Whilst the charges relating to her attack of her husband (attempted murder, etc.) were dropped, she received a 12 year sentence for the manslaughter of Jacs.

Following a number of attempts, Bea is eventually successful in getting revenge for the murder of her daughter. She achieves this when a fight with new Top Dog, Franky, results in her being taken to hospital. Bea escapes from hospital, sources a gun and seeks out Brayden, killing him. Following this, Bea is immediately arrested and returns to Wentworth.

“This is Queen Bea; she's the Top Dog now.”

Sentenced to life without parole, as Top Dog, she uses her position to push a strong anti-drug policy within the prison.

During her sentence, Bea faces being shived, being drugged, the outbreak of a fire in the prison, and challenges to her power as Top Dog. Her mental health suffers; Bea begins to self-harm and places little value on her own life. She meets, however, and falls in love with Allie Novak, a fellow inmate. Their relationship is a first for Bea, both due to Bea having considered herself to her straight prior to it, and due to the presence of genuine love and happiness.

Faceclaim: Danielle Cormack

Skin Colour: White
Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair Colour: Brunette (Naturally), Red (Dyed)
Height: 5’ 6”

Scars: Knife Wounds on Both Arms & across Her Back, Self-Harm Scars on Left Inner Thigh

Post-S4 Verses: 8 Abdominal Stab Wounds

Tattoos: Red Rose (Left Lower Back), A Dove & Moon with the Script ‘To the Moon & Back’ (Right Forearm)

Post-season 4 Verses: A Seahorse (Inner Right Thigh)

Piercings: Ears


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above — at any point from childhood to the end of S4

Single Mum

In which Bea became pregnant but never married Harry. She gave birth to and brought up Debbie alone.
In which Bea divorced Harry, getting herself and Debbie away from him before she attempted to kill him.


In which Bea is released from prison.This could be set either before or after both Debbie and Harry's deaths.


AKA Post-Screwdriver IncidentIn which Bea survived multiple stab wounds to the abdomen from Joan Ferguson, and continues to serve her sentence.


Bea survives the attack by Joan Ferguson but Allie does not survive. Unbeknownst to her, a secret government experiment is underway within the prison, involving the injection of inmates with a serum designed to enhance physical abilities and control over their own bodies. Bea becomes one of the recipients of this serum. This serum grants her a unique set of superhuman abilities.She can control the movement of blood within her own body and the bodies of others. She can accelerate or slow down blood flow, potentially stopping bleeding wounds or causing an opponent's blood vessels to burst, incapacitating them. She can instantly clot her own wounds or the wounds of others, preventing excessive bleeding and aiding in rapid healing. Bea can share her own blood with others, giving them temporary enhancements or healing injuries. She also gains enhanced durability, regenerative healing, and enhanced strength.Recognizing the potential of Bea's newfound abilities, the government approaches her with a proposal. In exchange for her cooperation and services as a superhuman operative, they secure her release from prison, effectively commuting her life sentence. The government's goal is to utilize her powers to combat rising crime rates in the city and maintain control over metahuman individuals.To maintain her secret identity, Bea resumes her former career as a hairdresser. The government believes metahumans should be harnessed for the government's benefit and under their complete authority, leading to frequent clashes with Bea. As her disagreements with the government become more pronounced, she begins to work secretly as a vigilante, investigating alternative approaches to her missions. This clandestine work puts her in direct conflict with government officials and leads her to question their motives and actions.


Set in the Golden Age of Piracy, during the late 17th to early 18th century. Bea begins as a grieving mother, seeking vengeance against the crew of pirate Jacs Holt, who brutally killed her daughter, Debbie. Her unwavering pursuit of revenge propels her into the pirate world. Initially, she's a relentless pursuer, driven by her quest for justice. Her cunning and strategic mind soon become evident as she navigates the complex world of piracy. Her role evolves into that of a master planner and a captain who commands her own ship, crew, and mission with authority.Bea's primary motivation is to avenge her daughter's death by hunting down each member of Jacs Holt's crew and making them pay for their actions. As she assembles her crew she becomes a leader who is fiercely loyal to her crew. She excels in devising battle plans, outwitting adversaries, and foreseeing potential threats.

Regency Era

 Bea was married to a wealthy but abusive husband, whose death under mysterious circumstances led to Bea and Debbie fleeing to London. Rumours swirl about her involvement in her husband's demise, though nothing has ever been proven.As a mysterious widow, Bea is shrouded in whispers and speculation among London's elite. Debbie is Bea's utmost priority, and she attempts to shield her from the whispers about their past.