Ellie Bishop


Name: Eleanor Raye Bishop
Nickname(s): Ellie

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Bisexual

Age: 25-40
Birthday: 30 September

Primary Location: Washington, D.C.
Birthplace: Hinton, Oklahoma
Nationality: American

NCIS Special Agent
Former NSA Analyst

Personality Traits: Intelligent, Analytical, Determined, Compassionate, ResilientTropes: Awesome by Analysis, The Cutie, Big Eater, Nerds Are Sexy, Beware the Nice Ones, Hair of Gold Heart of Gold, Action Girl, Deadpan Snarker, Took a Level in Badass


Faceclaim: Emily Wickersham

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde (occasionally dyed slightly darker)

Height: 5'7"

Piercings: Ears


Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Special Agent (Major Case Response Team)
Former National Security Agency (NSA) Agent

College: Oklahoma State University

Notable Relationships

Ex-husband: Jake Malloy (Federal Agent, NSA, Lawyer)

Ex-boyfriend: Qasim Naasir (Deceased — NCIS Translator)


Ellie was born Hinton, Oklahoma and is the youngest of four siblings, growing up in a tight-knit family. After graduating from Oklahoma State University, she started her career as an NSA analyst, where her intelligence and analytical skills shone. During this time, she met and eventually married Jake Malloy, a fellow agent and lawyer.

She transitioned to the NCIS, initially serving as a liaison officer between the NSA and NCIS. Ellie's talents quickly earned her the role of NCIS Probationary Agent, before officially joined the NCIS Major Case Response Team on a permanent basis. Ellie and Jake's marriage became strained when her career change meant that they could no longer discuss classified information with each other. The eventually divorced, following Jack's infidelity.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.


Ellie takes on the persona of her alias 'Charlie,' a sex worker with ties to a drug ring, in order to go undercover as an inmate in prison. Her mission is two-fold: to uncover the truth behind the suspicious death of a female Navy member incarcerated in the prison and to expose any corruption or misconduct within the prison system. Maintaining her cover is vital for her mission's success, as she must interact with other inmates and staff members while staying in character. Ellie has to find a balance between maintaining her cover, finding answers for the case, and coping with the harsh realities of prison life.


Following her time with NCIS, Ellie left her career behind by intentionally creating a scandal around herself. She confessed to leaking highly classified NSA documents, a fabricated story orchestrated with the help of her mentor, Odette Malone. Ellie then embarked on an undercover mission to expose and dismantle the Dollhouse. She begins her by assuming the role of a disgraced and traitorous NCIS agent, and leverages her intelligence and analytical skills to gain the trust of Dollhouse staff and clients, emphasizing her value as an asset to the organization. Ellie takes on the role of a handler within the Dollhouse; responsible for overseeing and managing the Actives, individuals with imprinted personalities, during their assignments. This role gives her direct access to Dollhouse clients and operations, allowing her to gather valuable intelligence.