Patsy Mount


Name: Patience 'Patsy' Mount

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her

Orientation: Lesbian

(Closeted in Main Verse)

Age: 24-34
Birthday: 2 June

Birthplace: Shanghai


Faceclaim: Emerald Fennell

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Red

(Occasionally blonde. Naturally brunette.)

Height: 5' 6"

Scars: Large but long-healed scars across her back

Patsy was born in Shanghai and spent her early years there. She later moved to Singapore, where she grew up as the daughter of a wealthy businessman. However, her life took a drastic turn when she became a prisoner of war aged 9, following the Battle of Singapore. Her mother and sister also became POWs and they did not survive.

Following her captivity, Patsy was sent to a Catholic boarding school. As an adult, she pursued a career in nursing and later trained to become a midwife. Outside of her professional life, Patsy is also a Cub Scout Leader.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.


Patsy was born in the State of Kuwait, nearly a decade before the Gulf War began and the Invasion of Kuwait took place. Her family went into hiding but were found in a raid by the Iraqi forces. Having been taken to a military facility as part of the Iraqi’s ‘human shield’ policy, Patsy ultimately lost of her mother and sister. Her father moved to Dubai, and Patsy was sent to boarding school in the UK. She went on to pursue a career in nursing and midwifery.Patsy carries the emotional scars of her traumatic past, suffering from PTSD and OCD as a result of her experiences during the Gulf War. This has made her more guarded and anxious, particularly when it comes to revealing her true self to others. Patsy is still deeply closeted about her sexuality, fearing judgment and discrimination.

Doctor Who

Patsy, an Albarian, witnessed the atrocities of the Stenza as a child. Following the deaths of her mother and younger sister during the invasion of the Stenza, Patsy managed to escape to find safety. Navigating the dangers of the Twelve Galaxies, she eventually found sanctuary on Earth. Arriving on Trap Street, London, language barriers and unfamiliarity with Earth posed initial challenges, but Patsy managed to adapt. As she grew up on the street, Patsy prioritised maintaining harmony and contributing positively to the alien refugee community.

The Magicians

Patsy is a teacher, specializing in Healing Magic, at Brakebills University.She was born into a magical community, which fell under the dark shadow of Reynard the Fox. He targeted her community with his magic, manipulating and deceiving its members, including Patsy's family. One night, Reynard's sadism led to a violent and bloody confrontation. Patsy, then a young child, helplessly witnessed her mother and sister's violent deaths. Forced to clean up the aftermath of the gruesome incident, the trauma haunts her into her adult life.Her academic path eventually led her to Brakebills University, where she pursued her career in Healing Magic. She became a highly respected professor, specializing in magical medical practice.

Regency Era

Patsy was born in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars, where her family, originally from England, had settled due to her father's successful involvement in international trade. Her life was shattered by when their town was attacked by French soldiers during the French occupation of Spain. Patsy's mother and sister fell victim to the soldiers' brutality, whilst Patsy and her father were injured. In the aftermath, Patsy's father made the decision to send her back to England to be raised by governesses. They instilled in her the proper manners and social etiquette of high society.


A powerful vampire coven descended upon Patsy's family during a rare celestial event, in order to conduct a ritual which required human sacrifices. They launched a deadly attack that claimed the lives of her mother and sister. Patsy herself was forcibly turned into a vampire as part of the ritual. Now immortal, her chosen path as a nurse allows her to offer care to generations of patients. While she excels as a healthcare professional, her perpetual youth and unwavering vitality could become a liability if she remains in one place for too long, so she will continuously relocate.