Matt Baleman

Criminal Minds OC

(No prior knowledge of Criminal Minds needed to interact with)
“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”
“Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.”

TW: Rape, Abuse


Name: Matthew Baleman
Nickname: Matt

(Occasionally ‘Matty’ but only if he knows your muse well and likes them a lot)

Gender: Cis-Man, He/Him
Sexuality: Straight

Birthday: 4th Janurary
Birthplace: Sarasota, Florida, USA
Nationality: American

Occupations: Student (Architecture) - Georgetown University & Part-Time Barman / Barista, (After Graduating) Architect

Throughout his childhood, Matt was very close with his father, identifying much more strongly with the man than any other member of his family. His father was physically, verbally and emotionally abusive towards his mother and did little to hide this from Matt.

After Steven’s arrest (when Matt was 17), little changed in their relationship, in fact, it seemed to bring them closer as Matt began to realise how much they truly had in common. They keep in touch mainly through letters, though Matt also visits him regularly in prison. Unlike the rest of his family, Matt felt no guilt or shame about what his father had done, his respect for the man had only grown.

A little more than a year later, Matt moved away from the concerned watch of his mother to attend university. He lives alone and has worked part-time in a number of bars and cafes. His new-found freedom allowed him to start acting out a combination of his father’s and his own fantasies.


Faceclaim: Nico Mirallegro

Skin Colour: White
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Height: 5’ 11”
Body Type: Lean / Athletic

Scars: A Small One on One Knee from Falling Out a Tree as a Kid, Chickenpox Scar behind His Ear, Numerous Scars (Increasing the More He Kills) From His Victims Trying to Defend Themselves

Matt dates frequently, though would prefer to just pick girls up at bars, and more often than not, relationships do not last long. He did not grow up learning to respect women, or putting anything aside from his own needs and wishes first. On the occasions that he does form long-term relationships, he will not be faithful and will likely be abusive, mirroring his parents' relationship.


Temperament: Choleric
Enneagram Type: Type 8
Traits: Intelligent, Persistent, Observant, Obsessive, Short-Tempered, Arrogant


Father: Steven Baleman - A serial killer who raped and strangled teenage girls with William Harris until their subsequent arrests (Criminal Minds 4x12, ‘Soul Mates’)

Mother: Annie Baleman

Sister: Emma Baleman (three years younger than Matt)


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above — Matt worked for a couple of years at the university’s student union bar before it was suggested he leave after a few too many ‘incidents’ with the female customers. Soon afterwards, he moved on from assaulting woman to killing them.

Prison Guard

Matt finished studying and decided on a change of scenery, moving and landing himself a job as a corrections officer in a women's prison.


After a few close shaves with the law, Matt decided that it would be best if he relocated. Unable to control his overwhelming urge to kill, the police eventually caught up with him again. Matt was arrested and found guilty of numerous crimes, which he is currently serving time for.


Matt serves as a handler in Marie's Dollhouse, though his involvement goes beyond his professional duties. He's responsible for Actives on engagements for clients, overseeing them and ensuring successful assignments. Matt exploits his position to customise imprints for Actives, tailoring them to cater to his own fantasies. His association with Marie, the owner of the Dollhouse, is primarily professional. Marie recognizes Matt's value in managing clients and Actives efficiently. However, there's an undercurrent of rivalry and distrust, as both are highly manipulative individuals who see each other as potential threats.

The Hunger Games

Born in District 4, as a teenager Matt’s father was one of his district’s tributes and won. Steven’s status as victor meant that he managed to get away with his murders for longer than expected, since no one would say a bad word against a victor. Eventually, the Capitol couldn’t ignore him any longer and an ‘accident’ was orchestrated, killing Steven. Matthew learnt from his father’s mistakes though, managing not to get caught for his crimes, yet.

The Magicians

Matt is a student at Brakebills University. His discipline is psychic magic.

Regency Era

Matt is the heir to the Baleman estate, which fell into disrepute due to his father's behaviour and eventual execution for his crimes. Matt presents himself as a charming and wealthy gentleman in Regency society. His reckless behaviour, fuelled by excessive drinking and gambling, threatens the estate's stability further. He neglects his responsibilities, preferring the allure of London's social scene over the management of his inheritance.


Matt’s father has the ability of pathokinesis, a power that allows him to manipulate other people’s emotions. It isn’t until after his father is apprehended that Matt discovers he too has the power of emotional manipulation. He is still learning to control his ability though, so unlike his father (who could manipulate people from a distance), Matt’s power only works when he’s in direct physical contact with a person, and while the effects can last for minutes or hours afterwards, they are strongest while he’s still making contact.