Alexis Sumner


Name: Alexis Sumner

Nickname: Lex

Gender: Trans-woman, she/her
Orientation: Lesbian

Age: 32-48
Birthday: 4 April

Occupation: Forensic Scientist

(Specialising in forensic chemistry & toxicology)


Faceclaim: Jamie Clayton

Eye Colour: Green-Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde

Height: 5' 10"


Traits: Motivated, Perceptive, Curious, Persistent, Diligent, Driven, Kind, CautiousTropes: Hot Scientist, The Lab Rat, The Ace, The Heart, Honest Advisor, Nerds Are Sexy, Statuesque Stunner, Hair of Gold Heart of Gold, Science Hero

Alexis is a forensic scientist for the FBI, specialising in toxicology. She grew up with her mother, father and a younger sister. Alexis attended university and applied to the FBI after graduating. She initially wasn't accepted and took a job in a private lab for a number of years before  — driven by a continued desire for her work to help bring justice to people — successfully re-applying.

Miscellaneous facts:

  • Alexis has a varied taste in music, can play a little piano, and likes to listen to big band music whilst working
  • She's a skilled chess player, and can do some basic card tricks and sleight-of-hand magic
  • As a child, she wanted to be an astronaut when she grew up
  • Alexis' drinks of choice are black coffee and red wine