Kellie Chia

Fandomless OC


Birth Name: Chia Lěi Nà 蔡磊娜
English Name: Kellie Chia

Age: 22-35
Birthday: 15 May
Birthplace: Singapore

Gender: Cis-Woman, She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Asexual (sex-favorable)
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Occupation: Sex Worker

Chia Lěi Nà, one of three sisters born to Chia Jìng Yàn, was brought up in poverty in Singapore. As a child, she spent a lot of time caring for and helping to raise her first sister, Xiá Míng, as she never knew her father and her mother would be out of the house for long hours working.

At a young age she was forced into sex work, as her mother had been, to try and support her family. Her years working in her hometown were highly unpleasant, undergoing a series of harrowing experiences.

When Lěi Nà turned seventeen, her youngest sister, Píng Fāng, was born prematurely. She was approached by a recruitment agency with the offer of working abroad for a large international hotel chain — an opportunity that she saw no way to refuse as, although she would have to leave her home, she would be making enough money to not only be financially independent but also to support her family back home.

She was optimistic about this new opportunity, however, her transport out of the country turned out to be a shipping container and when they arrived at their destination*, the smugglers demanded a huge sum of money as payment for getting her into the country.

* This will generally be the US, UK, or Australia (dependent on your muse, could be elsewhere)

With no way to pay them, alone and afraid, she was endlessly grateful to find shelter with a woman (who Lěi Nà would never come to know was working with the smugglers) named Marie — a brothel owner, who offered to pay off the smugglers. Given a new name — Kellie — she began working for Marie to pay off the debt.


Faceclaim: Jessica Henwick

Height: 5’5
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown

Scars: Thin slash across left collarbone, burn across back of right hand and wrist

Whilst not the hotel job that she had been promised, on the whole she was safer and better looked after by Marie than she had been by her bosses in Singapore, and she almost reached the point of having paid Marie back. Before she could do though, when a client became too rough — to the point that she feared for her life — Kellie attacked him. Grabbing the nearest object and hitting him around the head, the man fell unconscious.

Marie had the man taken away. He was taken to hospital and paid to keep quiet about what had happened. Kellie, however, was told that the man had died — whilst she would soon have paid off the initial debt that she owed Marie, she could not no longer leave, both afraid of what would happen if she did and under the impression that she owed Marie both her life and her freedom.


Mother: Chia Jìng Yàn
Father: Unknown
Sisters: Chia Xiá Míng, Chia Píng Fāng


Traits: Trusting, Kind, Humble, Patient, Supportive, Optimistic, Empathetic, Gullible, Respectful, Generous

Miscellaneous Facts

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These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.

Main Verse

As above (although Marie is a character from Wentworth, Kellie is not in prison in this verse and no prior knowledge of Wentworth is needed)

Prison Verse

Instead of being paid off, the man that Kellie hospitalised pressed charges, which she was imprisoned for.

Dollhouse Verse

Marie, the manipulative and cunning owner of a Dollhouse, introduced Kellie to the Dollhouse, erasing her identity and renaming her Kellie. She became a valuable "active" under Marie's control, her autonomy entirely lost. Marie thrived on the authority she held and had no qualms about exploiting vulnerable individuals for her own ends. As an "active" within the Dollhouse, Kellie's life is a constant cycle of programming and engagements. Her personality and memories are overwritten regularly to fulfil clients' desires, ranging from romantic encounters to criminal activities.Investigative journalists, like Catia, began digging into the secretive world of the Dollhouse, which could lead to the exposure of Kellie's story.