
semi-selective | not mutually exclusive | multi-fandom friendly | OC friendly | variant friendly


All muses are open to everyone.

My full list of muses contains secondary and test muses/fandoms — these are still open to everyone. The only difference is that I may be a little slower with replies for them and/or less confident in their voice.

Most of my canon characters are all written pretty close to canon with only occasional (and usually minor) divergences. If you want any information on any muses that you can't find here, you can always message me (IMs, asks, or discord if you have it — mutuals feel free to ask for my discord). 

The majority of my OCs have full stats and biographies, but a couple of newer ones don't yet — feel free to ask for more details of any muses any time, but I'm also totally fine if you don't want to write with them until they do have full bio pages.

I’m open to writing pretty much any canon muse that I’m familiar with — if there’s a dynamic/ship that you want and can’t find an opposite for, shoot me a message! If I know the muse, I’m more than likely to be down with having a go at writing them.
I’m also a fan of writing multiple muses in the same thread. Unless you let me know you're not down with it (which is absolutely fine if you do), then I might fling threads with more than one muse your way or start with one muse and have them leave and someone else come along — I feel like it can help especially when it feels like a thread isn’t going anywhere so much, plus it's just fun! I am also always down with you doing the same!


Anyone can send memes.

It doesn’t matter if we’re mutuals or not, or how long ago the meme was posted, feel free to send it to me.

If you don’t specify a muse, I’ll pick one at random (which I am totally fine with doing — see a meme with something that your muse would totally do/say to a specific kind of muse but you don't know which of my muses fall into that category? Tell me that in the ask, or just shoot me a message separately to ask!).

Don’t feel like you have to send me just 1 meme, send me 100 — in fact I’d prefer that you send more than one at a time, it gives me options! I don’t mind whether that means multiple memes for the same muse(s), or memes for multiple muses, or both.

I won’t necessarily answer all memes sent to me. That doesn't mean that I'm not interested in writing with you or the dynamic that you sent memes for — send more.

Similarly, I do not expect you to answer all of the memes that I send you (I will likely send multiple memes at a time, unless you let me know that you’d prefer otherwise).


Memes can absolutely be continued as threads — you never have to ask, it’s one of the easiest ways to get threads going with me! (I don’t mind if you don’t move it to a new post, but if you don’t, I will) — but equally, they don’t have to be! I’m more than happy for us to just throw memes & responses back and forth for a while until we find something we’d like to run with for a thread(s) (plus, if I ever do continue a meme that you've answered, there is no pressure for you to continue it further). I am just as happy with plotting a whole thing out before we even start writing.

Drop any threads you like, whenever you like — you never need to let me know that you’re doing this.

Starters and meme responses are likely to be shorter if we don't already have a dynamic established between our muses (either from previous interactions or plotting). This isn't to say that you need to reach out for plotting first though, I'm happy winging it!

If I write you a starter and you don’t know how to reply to it, feel free to reach out to me. Equally, if this happens or you just don’t have muse for it, you’re welcome to just not reply — I’m never going to chase you for a reply or be upset by this. Send some more memes, like another starter call, or come at me for plotting and we’ll start of something new!

Almost everything on this blog gets put into a queue and every so often I’ll go in and shuffle the post order about. If you've not had a reply to a specific thread in a while, feel free to reach out.

Not sure how our muses could interact? Visit my Quick-Start Guide!

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