Nora Goddard


Name: Dr Eleanor Goddard
Nickname: Nora

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Lesbian

Age: 30-50
Birthday: 8 July

Birthplace: Guildford, Surrey, UK
Nationality: Dual UK-US citizenship

Occupation: Ecologist (University Professor & Research Scientist)
Primary Area of Research: Avian Migration

Education: Ph.D. Ecology and Evolution, MRes Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Research, BA Biology


Traits: Perceptive, Curious, Motivated, Modest, Devoted, Patient, Diligent, Overachiever

Tropes: Hot Scientist, Constantly Curious, Hair of Gold Heart of Gold, Eating the Eye Candy, Badass Bookworm, Nerds Are Sexy, Beware the Nice Ones, Teen Genius, Amazingly Embarrassing Parents, Good with Numbers


Faceclaim: Kate WinsletEye Color: Green | Natural Hair Color: Blonde | Height: 5'6"

Miscellaneous facts

  • Nora has two cats, Jackson and Monty
  • Most years she suffers from horrendous hay-fever (pollen allergy)
  • She is a fantastic poker player and enjoys baking

Dr Eleanor Goddard is an ecologist whose working time is split between research and teaching — her research focusing primarily on migratory birds.

She grew up in the south-east of England with an American father, Huey, and British mother, Philippa, — and Nora holds dual-citizenship. Before retiring, her mother was a pharmacist. Nora didn't travel far from home when studying for her bachelor's (University of Oxford) or master's degrees (Imperial College London), but moved to the US in order to begin work on her PhD.

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