Ziva David


Name: Ziva David

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her

Orientation: Queer

Age: 25-40
Birthday: 12 November

Religion: Jewish

Nationality: Israeli American
Birthplace: Be'er Sheva, Israel

Career: NCIS Special Agent (Former Mossad Liaison Officer & Mossad Operative)

Personality Traits: Determined, Resilient, Brave, Loyal, Independent, Intelligent, Resourceful, Caring, Sarcastic, Confident, Protective, Adventurous, AdaptableTropes: Action Girl, Good Is Not Soft, Badass Bookworm, Kill the Ones You Love, Photographic Memory, Deadpan Snarker


Father: Eli David (deceased)

  • A career intelligence officer (a high-ranking Mossad officer who became the director of Mossad)

Mother: Rivka David (deceased)

  • Passed away when Ziva was young

Paternal Half-Brother: Ari Haswari (deceased)

Younger Sister: Tali David (deceased)


  • Highly skilled in various weaponry, hand-to-hand combat including Krav Maga, and multiple languages
  • Ziva enjoys martial arts training to stay sharp, as well as going for long runs to clear her mind
  • She is an avid reader
  • Early morning is her favourite time of day, as she appreciates the tranquillity

Growing up, Ziva received extensive training from her father in combat tactics and espionage. After her compulsory military service, she joined Mossad, specializing in assassinations, paramilitary operations, sabotage, and psychological warfare as part of the Kidon unit.

Ziva begins working with the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) as an Mossad liaison officer. In her time with NCIS, Ziva faces captivity and torture in Somalia. After her rescue, Ziva decides to become a full-fledged NCIS agent and a U.S. citizen.

Years later, Ziva faked her own death to protect herself from Sahar, a woman seeking revenge for the fact that Ziva killed her own brother, Ari.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.


Ziva, has been wrongfully imprisoned, having been framed for crimes she did not commit by a Mira Sahar Azam (seeking revenge against her for Ziva's brother, Ari's, death). Sahar's operatives have fabricated evidence or terrorism, coercing witnesses and manipulating legal proceedings to ensure Ziva's conviction. Once in prison, Ziva's on a quest to clear her name.

Dhampir & Vampire Hunter

Ziva's born a Dhampir (a rare hybrid born of a vampire father and a human mother), and her childhood is defined by her training in combat tactics and espionage by her father, Eli. Possessing a unique blend of supernatural abilities and human resilience, Ziva is a formidable vampire hunter with a reputation for her unmatched skills in tracking and neutralizing these supernatural threats. Her training in Mossad's Kidon unit, coupled with her Dhampir abilities, makes her a force to be reckoned with. Ziva's reputation as a vampire hunter precedes her, making her a figure of notoriety within the vampire community. As a Dhampir vampire hunter, her alliances with humans and other supernatural beings are fragile, and she navigates the delicate balance between the two worlds.