Graham Becke


Name: Graham Becke

Gender: Cis-man, he/him
Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 25-65
Birthday: 6 March

Personality Traits: Reasoned, Analytical, Practical, Kind, Loyal, Organised, Resourceful, ScepticalTropes: The Quiet One, The Stoic, Papa Wolf, Awesomeness by Analysis, Badass Bureaucrat, The Reliable One, Beware the Nice Ones, Hidden Depths, The Cynic, Deadpan Snarker, Endearingly Dorky, Collector of the Strange


Faceclaim: Bradley Whitford

Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Color: Brunet / White (including facial hair)

Height: 5' 10"

Birthmarks: Café au lait spot on his outer left thigh
Scars: Broad but very old scar down the back of his left hand and wrist

Dominant Hand: Left

Tattoos: None
Piercings: None


Current Occupation: Forensic Accountant (FBI)

Education: Degree in Business Administration

Former Occupations:


Mother: Madge Becke (née Payne)
Father: Christoph Becke

Sister: Rosaline Becke
Nephews: Oliver & Timothy Atkins

Ex-wife: Eileen Becke (née Cotterill)
Children: Ingrid & Alex Becke




These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.

Main Verse (timeline specific verses)

Early Verse (Prison Verse)

Before meeting Eileen and getting married. In this verse, Graham is single and aged approximately 25-35. He works as a Payroll Administrator in a prison, Wentworth Correctional Centre (not location locked).

Middle Verse (Married Verse)

Covering the entirety of the time whilst Graham was married to Eileen, from the approximate ages of 30-55. This covers the time as he made his way to working for the Government Accountability Office, and the births and upbringings of his two children, Ingrid and Alex, as well as his and Eileen's eventual breakup.

Late Verse (FBI Verse)

Subsequent to splitting up with Eileen. In this verse, Graham is a divorcee, approximately 50-65 years old, and having moved to a position within the FBI, working as a forensic accountant.

Other Verses

DC / Arrowverse

Graham is a Resource Allocation Specialist within the DEO, managing the department's resources efficiently (ensuring that personnel, equipment, and funding are allocated) and ensuring that it operates within budget.

Doctor Who

In the wake of his separation from Eileen, Graham found a fresh start within UNIT, joining shortly after its reinstatement in late 2022. As a forensic accountant for UNIT, Graham was recruited by Kate Stewart. His extensive financial expertise allowed Graham became a key asset to UNIT's financial infrastructure, securing funding and resources for operations.


Graham serves as one of SHIELD's Financial Intelligence Specialist. He analyses data to support the agency's operations, crafting detailed budgets that maximize SHIELD's effectiveness. Graham specialises in tracking the financial activities of criminal organizations that often fund superpowered threats. He advises on asset seizure, ensuring that all ill-gotten gains are confiscated and repurposed to fund SHIELD's operations or support the victims of criminal activities.

Regency Era

Graham is renowned for his expertise as a financial advisor and accountant to several noble families. Known for his meticulousness and discretion, His analytical mind and practical approach make him indispensable in managing wealth, investments, and estates.Graham's reputation precedes him as he serves as a trusted confidant to various noble families, including dukes, earls, and viscounts. His advice is sought not only for financial matters but also for strategic estate management and inheritance planning.He resides in a modest yet elegant townhouse. Graham indulges in a passion for rare artifacts and antiquities. His collection spans treasures from distant lands, acquired through his extensive travels.

Father of a Werewolf

In a world where supernatural beings exist, Graham, a sceptic, discovers the existence of the supernatural through his child, Alex's, transformation into a werewolf. Their transformation leads him to seek rational explanations, consult doctors, and investigate conventional causes. Graham's top priority is ensuring Alex's safety and helping them navigate the challenges of being a young werewolf. He embarks on a journey of understanding, seeking guidance from others in the supernatural community, including other supernatural parents. Amy Cameron, with her mediation and advocacy skills, becomes a valuable mentor to Graham.

Witness Protection

Graham's journey into Witness Protection begins with a determination to solve a cold case, revolving around a financial fraud scheme. In his earlier career as a Financial Management Specialist, Graham had investigated the case but failed to uncover the truth.In the FBI, Graham's assigned to investigate a seemingly routine tax audit, but the financial portfolio hides a web of suspicious transactions, offshore accounts, and complex money laundering schemes. He stumbled upon money linked to the very same fraudulent scheme he investigated in his earlier career. This discovery connects the dots between the financial irregularities he uncovered and a criminal organisation.The trial aimed at dismantling this organisation becomes a reality, with Graham's role in it, making him a key witness in the trial. He becomes a target for the organisation. Threats against Graham escalate, becoming more brazen and dangerous. Witness Protection gives Graham a new identity, in a new city, where he begins work as an IT consultant.