Deina Romano

Fandomless Alien OC

Name: Didjerama
Legal Name on Earth: Deina Romano (pronounced: DEE-na ro-MA-no)
Nickname(s): Dee, DeDe, Rama, Ramo

Current Location: Planet Earth
Birthplace: Planet Exousia (forty billion light-years from Earth)
Race: Exousian (pronounced: e-KU-zian)

Age: 50-60
Appears: 20-30 in human terms
Birthday: There isn’t an equivalent day to their true birthday on Earth, so Deina treats the 9th September, the day that they crash-landed, as their birthday on Earth

Gender: Deina doesn’t really accept human concepts of gender but feels that non-binary woman would be the most applicable human identity, as she does identify at least partially as female but is very certain that she does not fit into a binary gender

Pronouns: Equally, since Deina had to learn Earth languages upon arrival, pronouns had to be learned too. She/her are used most commonly, largely because she’s discovered that it’s what humans expect when meeting her, but she is equally happy with they/them.

Sexual Orientation: Exousians never labelled sexual orientation. In human terms, they would most likely consider themselves pansexual. Having spent time on Earth and become more used to humans, however, Deina found that she did not feel much, if any, inclination towards human men.

Face Claim: Erika Linder

Natural Hair Color: Brunette (often dyed, however)
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5"10’

Voice: Deina has an Australian accent due to that being where she learned to speak English

Scars: Deina has a large number of scars all across their body, the vast majority as a result of her transporter’s crash-landing on Earth. The most severe of these are a thin horizontal scar across the top of her right thigh, a more jagged one which begins on the left-hand side of her chest and continues just over her shoulder, and an assortment of shorter scars to her arms.

Powers: Vibration Manipulation (can create, shape and manipulate vibrations of themselves, and others or objects in their immediate surroundings) & Magnetism Manipulation (can generate, control and manipulate magnetism in their immediate surroundings)

Personality: Confident, resilient, self-sufficient, energetic, strong-willed, stubborn, impatient, poor emotion-handling skills

Religious Beliefs: Deina was brought up with the teachings of Exousian gods. She had never been devout, however, and once on Earth, mostly only maintains the traditions for comfort and to pay respects to those that she had loved and lost.

Addictions: cocaine & amphetamines (these are not addictions quite in the same sense that humans would consider the term, but in her main verse, Deina actively avoids either substance)

Job Title: Pilot / Mechanic

Likes: nature, stars, dancing, sports cars/any fast vehicles, the sound of roaring engines, beaches, grass, black coffee, sunrises, rain, formal-wear, music
Dislikes: darkness & silence, loss of control, showing vulnerability


  • Foods: Anything sweet or spicy

  • Movies: Romcoms, and science fiction (her favourites are Star Wars & Alien)

  • Music: Disco & dance music, Kool & The Gang

  • Season: Summer

  • Time of day: Evening

  • Animal: Eagles

  • Human car: Lamborgini Diablo (she also has a general fondness for muscle cars)

Deina can sometimes come across as having a rather dominant personality and will not shy from a challenge or competition. She will also highly respect anyone with a similar nature, matching the passion and energy that it thrown at her. She loves to learn, particularly about her new planet, and looks for friendships with others who have a logical curiosity in their surroundings. She finds laziness and irrationality in others to be incredibly irritating and does not tolerate such people well.

Emotional expression isn’t Deina’s strongest suit, however, and she can be prone to distancing herself from her feelings, particularly when around others. She considers overly emotional displays in herself to be signs of weakness. This fact can make her come across as cold or detached to people who do not know her well enough to understand that this comes from a place of naivety in expressing herself rather than insensitivity.

Deina grew up on the planet Exousia. The Exousians are a humanoid race with low levels of vibration and magnetism manipulation powers. Decades before Deina was born, a group of Exousians, led by a rambling, unstable man, formed a political party which rose rapidly in popularity and had him voted in as Emperor.

The party’s manifesto was centred around a drive to increase the Exousians’ power. Once elected, the emperor made deals with various other, more advanced races in order to fulfil their election pledge. They gained new technologies which they believed would extend their lives and increase the power of the Exousians’ abilities. Being many centuries behind in developing any similar technology for themselves, the technologies that they received were considered to be magic by most.

Things did not go to plan. No one on Exousia truly understood the new technologies nor how to use them. Stubborn enough in the belief that they could handle it themselves, the Emperor did not look for guidance from other races and their mishandling of the technologies ended up poisoning the planet.

Food was scarce, a thick purple fog settled across the planet and respiratory problems were rife throughout the population. Despite this, they tried to continue on with their ‘magic’ and things went from bad to worse. Opinions were fractured about whether the Emperor was striving for good or simply doing harm. Too many people loved the idea of increasing their powers, or being able to gift these fabled, great new powers to their children.

Eventually, it became clear that the ‘magic’ was really just destroying their planet, or at least making it entirely uninhabitable. The Exousians realised their mistake much too late and were forced to go underground, literally. Digging a network of tunnels and settlements, the entire population made themselves a new home underneath their old.

This was the Exousia that Deina grew up on, born just after the mass descending. It was dark and quiet underground and, until the day that Deina left the planet, they never once saw the surface.

Deina loved her planet - it was all that they knew - but had always longed to get a glimpse of what was above the surface. Once infrastructure had been sufficiently established underground, the Exousians shifted their attentions to the search for a new planet to make their home on. Deina was one of the first to volunteer for the reconnaissance missions.

Already working as a mechanic, they trained as a pilot to secure a position on board one of the scouting transporters. They left behind their parents and sibling in the hopes that they would be able to return to Exousia and take their loved ones back to the new planet that they had found.

The crew aboard the hyerspace transporter which Deina piloted had not been intending to head for the Earth. Part of the transporter’s technology failed during the journey, however, and they crash landed in the Outback of Australia. Deina was the only surviving crew member.

Arriving so suddenly on a new planet cause a major disruption to her body’s circadian rhythms. Deina spent months scavenging in the Outback, using the remains of the transporter as her base, whilst she recovered.

Eventually, the need to seek out this new planet’s settlements grew. Having no home, currency, or understanding of the language or culture, Deina found herself still sleeping rough even once she had reached a city. She stole what she needed as she slowly began to gain an understanding of this new world around her.

One of the first human habits that she came to replicate was drug abuse. A combination of cocaine and amphetamines became her main vices. She found that they affected her differently to what she’d witnessed in humans, the main effects being extreme delusions of being back on Exousia as a teenager. For some time, she allowed herself to fall into oblivion but as time went on, her reactions to the drugs changed. She became increasingly paranoid and began to see more twisted versions of her home kingdom, destructive winds tearing her city and loved ones apart, her world crumbling beneath her. It was seeing those deaths, being shaken by the violence of her hallucinations, which finally pushed her to quit.

Pledging to make a life for herself on Earth, once she had got to grips with the language, Deina put her background in mechanics to work, educating herself on human vehicles. They weren’t anywhere near as advanced as the kind of machines that she was used to working on, but she enjoyed the work regardless and if there’s anything that Deina loves, it’s a good challenge.

Deina has a determined nature with strong willpower; when she sets her mind to a goal, she will use whatever time or resources are needed to achieve it with ruthless efficiency. Having begun to earn enough money as a car mechanic, Deina started travelling. She wanted to explore as much of this new planet as possible, discovering new places and cultures until she found somewhere to settle down.

Exousians commit to romantic relationships for life and it was incredibly rare on Exousia to hear of someone having multiple partners throughout their life. As such, the human tendency to do just the opposite was confusing to Deina when they first arrived on Earth.

On Exousia, they’d had someone that they thought could have been their one, Minyma, although they never reached the point in their relationship of committing formally (due to traditionally long courting periods) before Deina left the planet. Deina loved Minyma, in spite of the fact that their relationship, at times, was unsteady. Leading up to the time that Deina left, they fought an increasing amount and Deina began to doubt their emotional devotion to her.

The longer that she’s been on Earth, the more she becomes used to the idea of not having to commit to just one person for life, but she still views romantic, and especially sexual, relationships with reverence. By human standards, her inclination is to allow any relationship to develop slowly, not pushing or rushing at any aspect of the relationship. This is not to say that she will be passive in any relationships, however; she will need high levels of trust and commitment to be demonstrated by any potential partner but in return, Deina will invest unmatched levels of energy into their relationship.

At her best, Deina is creative and enthusiastic in her relationships, seeking new was to demonstrate affection. Most of her missteps in relationships come down to her lack of healthy emotional expression. Despite, accurately, considering herself to be unselfish in relationships, she can easily misread others’ feelings as well as her own. This is something that she is particularly aware of since arriving on Earth as most societal mores are unknown to her. She is actively working to improve this and will value anyone that takes the time to help her to grow and learn.