Ash Reardon


Name: Ashley "Ash" Reardon

Gender: Non-binary, they/them
Orientation: Queer

Age: 28-38
Birthday: 22 October

Occupation: Chef


Faceclaim: Mae Martin

Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond (dyed)

Height: 5' 5"

Scars: Down the inside of both forearms and across their stomach
Tattoos: Numerous, including — Stars over the inside of their left wrist, roses with thorny stems across their left shoulder, black silhouetted birds flying across their right shoulder blade

Tropes: The Stoic, The Cynic, Deadpan Snarker, Street Smart, Big Eater, Dark and Troubled Past, Hidden Depths, Daddy Issues, Missing Mom, Foster Kid
TW: Parental Death
Ash is the head chef at the Gold-Rose Hotel, having worked their way up over the years from kitchen assistant. While they clearly have an interest in food, they're far from the best at looking after themselves and so don't eat nearly so well as they do when at work. When not at work, they are a huge movie buff, as well as a guitarist.
When they were a toddler, Ash's parents (who had a tumultuous relationship at the best of times) split permanently, Ash staying with their father. They have not seen or heard from their mother since. Years later, as a teenager, they ended up being placed in a foster home following the death of their father. They aged out of the system not many years after, however, and began working to build a life of their own.
They can come off at first as somewhat aloof, being relatively introverted, and often relying on sarcasm and snark as a defence mechanism. In their darkest moments, Ash tends to suffers from low self-esteem and a lack of self confidence, a side effect of many years of their poor mental health. Once others get past their walls though, they get to see a smart, witty side to Ash.

If your muse knows Ash...

They may also know:


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.

Main Verse

As above.

Doctor Who

Ash works as a chef aboard The Titanic (cruise liner-spaceship). Their shift from various terrestrial kitchens to the cruise industry was a pursuit of a fresh start. Initially taking on a temporary assignment, Ash's talent secured them a permanent position as the head chef.


Ash's decision to become an Active was motivated by a desire to escape their past, and the financial stability offered by the Dollhouse. It served as a means to secure a future that had been elusive in their upbringing. It was a chance to break free from the chaos of their past, a path to financial security that was once an unattainable dream. In their 'doll' state, they have no memory of their mental health history, providing a brief escape from the burdens of their past.


In financial difficulty, Ash took a gamble by participating in a mysterious medical trial promising quick cash. The medical trial's original intent was to explore very low doses of an experimental serum, with the goal of creating enhanced soldiers, not superhumans. Through a critical administrative error, Ash received a far higher dose than intended. Ash's newfound powers included enhanced strength and durability, exceptional stamina and reflexes, heightened senses, accelerated healing, and slowed aging. Their superhuman abilities soon became a liability in their culinary career,. Their increased strength inadvertently led to frequent accidents, eventually resulting in the loss of their job.SHIELD had launched an investigation into the organisation behind the medical trial, and they identified Ash as a participant who received an overdose of the serum. Ash wanted accountability from someone — hoping, fruitlessly, for SHIELD to be able to reverse the serum's effects. Ash suggested they could take on the role of a chef within SHIELD, and eventually the organisation agreed, conditional on Ash training to control their powers and contributing to SHIELD's operational missions.


Orphaned in a coastal town during the pirate era, Ash had to fend for themselves from a young age. They managed to secure a position as a chef at a local tavern, where they honed the basics of cooking. A smuggler, known for frequenting the establishment, recognized Ash's culinary skills and resourcefulness. Impressed by Ash's talents and seeing the potential for a valuable addition to their crew, the smuggler extended an offer. With little to lose, they accepted the offer and joined the smuggler's crew, as the ship's cook.