Bobbi Martel


Name: Barbara "Bobbi" Martel

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Queer

Age: 20-40
Birthday: 10 June

Birthplace: San Diego, California

Traits: Rational, charming, focused, grounded, sensible, mature, responsible, kind-hearted, overthinkerTropes: Workaholic, The Reliable One, Adrenaline Junkie, Daddy's Girl, Nice Girl, Dude Magnet, Military Brat, One of the Boys


Faceclaim: Brittany SnowEye Colour: Bright blue
Natural Hair Colour: Light brown
Usual Hairstyle: Long wavy hair, often left loose or pulled back in a ponytail
Height: 5'4"


Job Title: Immigration Program Manager
Sector: Non-profit

Education: Bachelor's degree in Political Science
Bobbi Martel was born in San Diego, California, to Sandra and John Martel. She grew up with a strong bond with her father, a retired military officer who instilled in her a love of adventure and spending time outdoors.After college, Bobbi joined a non-profit organisation focused on immigration advocacy, eventually reaching a role where she oversees various aspects of the their immigration programs — from managing a team of case managers to advocating for policy changes at a higher level.Outside of her career, Bobbi finds solace in physical activity. She is an avid long-distance runner, finding both physical and mental strength in pushing her limits and exploring new routes. Bobbi also enjoys spending time with her two dogs, Holly and Oscar.


  • Bobbi is deeply dedicated to her work, often becoming absorbed in her tasks and projects
  • Her taste in music ranges from classic rock to indie folk.
  • Bobbi's favourite activities range from walking her dogs (Cocker Spaniels, Holly and Oscar) and long distance running, to baking (she makes amazing focaccia) and cooking
  • Early morning is her favourite time of day, when the world is quiet and she can enjoy a morning run
  • Bobbi is fluent in Spanish, having studied the language during her college years