Barbie Handler

Spoilers for the 2023 Barbie movie.


Name: Barbara Handler

Name significance: Named after the daughter of Barbie's creator, Ruth Handler.

Nickname(s): Barbie, Stereotypical Barbie

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Lesbian

Age: 0-65

Location: Los Angeles, California
Birthplace: Barbieland

Traits: Kind-hearted, friendly, sweet-natured, naïve, creative, strong, self-effacing, motivated, competitive, practical, creativeTropes: Head-Turning Beauty, Become a Real Girl, Hidden Depths, Innocently Insensitive, Hair of Gold Heart of Gold, Beware the Nice Ones, Brutal Honesty, Bare Midriffs Are Feminine
After her journey from Barbieland to Los Angeles, Barbie finds herself embracing the complexities of human existence. In this newfound reality, she's learning to navigate the nuances of life, transitioning from an ageless existence to the unpredictability of the real-world. After settling in the real world and beginning her understanding of humanity, Barbie took on a job as a waitress.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above

Born Human

Barbara Handler was never a Barbie doll, instead, she has always been a human. From a young age, Barbie exhibited a natural inclination and love for dance. Through rigorous training, honing her skills in various dance forms, from classical ballet to contemporary styles, she became a talented choreographer and dance teacher. Her dance studio becomes a haven for aspiring performers.