Cressida Cowper


Name: Cressida Cowper

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Lesbian

(Closeted in main verse)

Age: 18-35
Birthday: April 12th


Faceclaim: Jessica Madsen

Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height: 5'8"


Traits: Sophisticated, Ambitious, Charming, Calculating, Empathetic, Competitive, Image-Conscious, Dismissive, Self-Focused, SpitefulTropes: The Resenter, Hypocrite Has a Point, Rich Bitch, Impractically Fancy Outfit, Improbable Hairstyle, Revenge Before Reason, Alpha Bitch, Giant Poofy Sleeves, Social Climber, Ice Queen, Hidden Depths, The Fashionista, The Strategist
Cressida was born into the esteemed Cowper family of London during the early 19th century. Raised within the opulent confines of her family's estate, from a young age she was meticulously groomed by her parents to secure a prosperous marriage for their only daughter.Despite her family's privilege and wealth, Cressida's childhood was marked by emotional detachment and a profound sense of loneliness. Growing up without siblings or genuine companionship, she learned to seek validation and companionship through the lens of societal approval. Her upbringing instilled in her a sophisticated charm and competitive drive.While outwardly poised, she harbours deep vulnerabilities beneath her composed exterior. Her calculated and occasionally cruel public demeanour stems from a desire to protect herself in a world where vulnerability is perceived as weakness.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.


Cressida is a renowned wedding planner. Born into an affluent family, Cressida's upbringing instilled in her a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the nuances of social dynamics — qualities that now define her success in the competitive world of event coordination. With a degree in event management, she combines tradition with contemporary trends, whilst remaining guarded in her personal life.


The Cowper family is an ancient and powerful vampire lineage. The family holds grand balls and social events to maintain their reputation and assert their dominance in vampire society. They proudly adhere to traditional vampire practices, including the hunting of humans for sustenance — a practice that sets them at odds with some of the more progressive vampire factions that have moved towards consensual feeding or blood banks.Cressida is a 'born vampire', conceived by her vampire parents through ritual blood magic — allowing them to produce a 'pure' vampire daughter with no involvement from humans. Her parents enforce strict control over her actions, from her feeding habits to her interactions with humans. They expect Cressida to marry and seek to have a pure vampire child of her own to grow their clan. Her parents employ various methods of control and punishment, including isolating her in the mansion’s chambers and denying her blood to keep her on the brink of starvation, and forcing her to wear gowns with silver sewn through the material to weaken her.