Donna Moss


Name: Donnatella "Donna" Moss

Age: 25-35

Gender: Cis-woman, she/her
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: Senior Assistant to White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff to the First Lady

Affiliation: Democratic Party

Tropes: Girl Friday, Puppy-Dog Eyes, Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold, Eating the Eye Candy, Motor Mouth, Shipper on Deck, Dating Catwoman, Break the Cutie
Donna was born in Warroad, Minnesota, to an Italian mother and an Irish father. However, a border clarification shifted her hometown to Manitoba, Canada, leading to a temporary loss of her U.S. citizenship, later restored through a grandfather clause.She attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison for two years before leaving to work and financially support her boyfriend. Donna joined the Bartlet campaign after a breakup, serving nearly six years as primary assistant to Deputy Chief of Staff, Josh Lyman.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.

Doctor Who

Donna finds herself in the heart of the most secure financial institution in the galaxy – the Bank of Karabraxos. Motivated by a desire for financial stability after a messy break-up, and an opportunity for professional growth, Donna takes on an administrative role, overseeing the day-to-day operations and transactions within the bank.