Catia Lucas


Full name: Caterina Gabriëlle Lucas
Nicknames: Catia, Cat

Gender & Pronouns: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Queer

Age: 30-40
Birthday: 4 December

Hometown: Parma, Italy

Occupation: Journalist / Correspondent Reporter

Catia is a journalist and international correspondent. She studied at Bocconi University, Milan for a Bachelor's degree in International Politics, before moving to the US to earn her Master's in Journalism at UC Berkeley. Her career is a huge passion, and Catia is a complete perfectionist, not just in work but in all aspects of her life — demanding the highest standards both of herself and those around her. Since graduating, she has spent time living in both South Africa and the UK, as well as working in numerous other countries.

Born and raised in Italy, Catia has a Dutch father and Italian mother. Between the two of them, her parents speak Italian, Dutch, English and French — all of which Catia grew up speaking to varying degrees. As an undergraduate, she began learning Spanish and since the completion of her graduate degree, she has begun studying Arabic.


Faceclaim: Tiffany Dupont

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brunette

Sometimes dyed blonde

Height: 5' 6"


MBTI: ENFJ (The Protagonist)

Enneagram: 1 (The Reformer)

Traits: Direct, Idealistic, Meticulous, Organised, Rational, Purposeful, Passionate, Conscientious


Mother: Annabella Lucas (née Locatelli)
Father: Michiel Lucas

Brother: Marcello Lucas

(3 years younger)


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above.


Catia's journey into the world of the Dollhouse begins with a criminal case that captures her attention. She hears whispers of a shadowy organization rumoured to have the power to erase and control minds. Catia embarks on a relentless investigation into the Dollhouse, which operates with extreme secrecy, making it difficult for her to obtain credible information. Trustworthy sources are scarce, and Catia must navigate potential physical danger.

The Handmaid's Tale

In Europe, the fallout from Gilead's actions led to complex diplomatic relations and social challenges. While European countries initially accepted Gileadean refugees, it led to increased tensions and social unrest in some areas. Catia took on the dangerous role of investigating Gilead's actions. Her meticulous research, multilingual skills, and extensive network of contacts allow her to uncover and report on the atrocities committed by Gilead both domestically and internationally.She conducts extensive research, building a global network of contacts, investigating the treatment of women under Gilead's regime, the indoctrination of children, and the underground movements resisting the regime's authority. Her reporting serves as both a form of advocacy and an opportunity for refugees to share their experiences. Catia collaborates with NGOs, activists, and government officials — frequently travelling to Canada — to support refugees and raise awareness about the plight of those affected by Gilead's regime.