Bridget Westfall


Name: Bridget Westfall

Nickname(s): Gidget/Gidge (both only used by Franky Doyle)

Age: 38-46
Birthday: 12 June

Gender/Pronouns: Cis-woman, she/her
Orientation: Lesbian

Nationality: Australian

Occupation: Forensic Psychologist


Faceclaim: Libby Tanner

Eye Colour: Green

Hair Colour: Light Brown (dyed dark blonde)

Height: 5' 2"

Piercings: Earlobes


Enneagram: 8 (The Challenger)

Traits: Amicable, Independent, Determined, Receptive, Persuasive, Empathetic, Self-Confident, Reliable, Decisive, Altruistic, Charismatic, Passionate

Bridget is a forensic psychologist, working primarily within the prison system. She has a receptive and empathetic nature, and her passion for her work and the people she cares about is evident in everything she does. Her self-confidence and reliability are well-regarded by those who know her — her own experiences have given her a unique perspective on the importance of mental health support.

Her professional background is extensive, with over 20 years of experience in the prison industry. Before her appointment as Wentworth Correctional Centre's Psychologist, she worked in various other correctional facilities. Her arrival at Wentworth came during a turbulent period  under Joan Ferguson's governorship.


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


Set at any point from childhood to post-Wentworth

DC / Arrowverse

Bridget is an Extranormal Psychologist within the operations of the Department of Extranormal Operations (DEO). Her primary responsibility is to provide psychological support and counselling to DEO agents. Bridget's services also extend to individuals with superpowers who face emotional and psychological challenges related to their abilities, as well as aliens who require assistance adjusting to life on Earth or dealing with the emotional fallout of their experiences. She advocates for mental health awareness and support in the DEO, as well as within the superhero and alien communities.

Doctor Who

Bridget works as a psychologist for UNIT (Unified Intelligence Taskforce). Her work primarily involves offering therapy and psychological support to UNIT personnel and civilians affected by encounters with extraterrestrial and paranormal phenomena. Her role within UNIT is multifaceted—she conducts psychological evaluations, offers crisis intervention, and provides ongoing mental health support. 

Marvel / MCU

Bridget works as a psychologist within the ranks of SHIELD. As a psychologist, she specializes in providing therapy and counseling to individuals with superhuman abilities. Bridget's role extends to providing therapy to SHIELD agents who may have encountered traumatic situations or face mental health challenges due to their line of work. She believes that providing therapy to these individuals is a way to contribute to a safer and more psychologically balanced world. SHIELD recognized Bridget's expertise and passion, leading to her recruitment for this specialized role.

The Handmaid's Tale

Bridget is living and working in Canada, providing trauma-informed therapy to refugees who have managed to escape Gilead. She collaborates with organizations like Sanctu-Care and Save the Women societies to raise awareness about the atrocities in Gilead and garner support for refugees. Her support frequently extends to legal matters, assisting refugees in navigating asylum and immigration processes, ensuring their safety in Canada.

The Magicians

Bridget is a Professor of Psychic Magic at Brakebills University. Her journey to Brakebills was influenced by a past romantic involvement with another professor in Australia that ended badly. Seeking a fresh start and a change of scenery, she joined Brakebills as a respected expert in Psychic Magic. She teaches the art of mind reading, telepathy, empathy-based magic, psychic healing, psychic self-defence, dream exploration, and mindfulness practices. Bridget becomes a mentor to students displaying particular aptitude for Psychic Magic. Bridget emphasizes the importance of responsible and ethical use of psychic powers, particularly when it involves reading the thoughts and emotions of others. She encourages students to explore different cultural perspectives on Psychic Magic, aiming to foster a more inclusive magical community.


Bridget operates as a psychologist specializing in counselling supernatural beings. Her clientele includes vampires, werewolves, witches, psychics, and other supernatural beings. Bridget is a human whose relationship with a vampire girlfriend during university further fuelled her interest in the supernatural. The government recognized her expertise and recruited her to work with supernatural beings. Bridget combines traditional therapeutic methods with specialized techniques tailored to the supernatural challenges her clients face.