Daisy Franklin

Fandomless OC

“Daisy, always climbing up the same tree; finding love in all the wrong scenes; Always walking down the wrong streets; Starting fires out of dead weeds.”


Name: Daisy Franklin

Birthday: 12th May
Age: 26-34

Nationality: American
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Occupation: Freelance Photographer, Part-Time Barista (& aspiring Florist)
Education: Interdisciplinary Studies, B.I.S. (with Focuses on Art, Sociology & History)

Imaginative and spontaneous, Daisy is always interesting company. She is a risk-taker and can be accident-prone but enjoys variety and the possibility of trying new things. She can get bored easily and so thrives in a fast-paced and fun environment and likes spending time with others who are prone to improvise and act without a predetermined plan.

She seeks out action and excitement, and loves expressing her creativity in any way possible, whether through art, music, style, food. She can quickly lose patience or become dejected if she feels trapped in a boring activity and will be quick to move on to something else if she feels that her creativity is being stifled.

“I want to know if you can see beauty even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.”


Gender & Pronouns: Cis-Woman, She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian

Positive Traits: Spontaneous, Versatile, Energetic, Imaginative
Negative Traits: Disorganised, Scattered, Hard-Headed

Habits: Smoking, Drinking, Occasional Drug Use

Likes: Indie, Electro-Pop and Dance Music, Gardening, the Color Green, Laughter, Flexibility

Daisy grew up alongside her younger brother, Elliot, at their parent’s inn. The inn is situated on the farmland that has been owned by her mother’s family for many generations.

Intelligent but not best described as studious, during her childhood and teenage years Daisy enjoyed the freedom that she was afforded. She liked nothing more than to push boundaries, frequently off exploring the farm, coming back late for dinner with grass stains and scraped knees.

As an adult, Daisy hasn’t lost any of her childhood adventurousness, despite this having put her into numerous unfortunate situations over the years. She has problems with impatience and impulsiveness. Daisy can be particularly prone to getting into trouble due to her undisciplined and scattered nature often causing her to become over-extended.

Her income from her photography can be sporadic, so is supported by part-time work in a local cafe. Daisy enjoys having the freedom to work as she pleases, disliking strict rules, structure and regulations.

Daisy has ambitions of opening a florist shop, however, these ambitions have never been much more than a fanciful scheme. Her lack of momentum in making more of this aspiration is, in a large part, down to her short attention span, difficulty making long-term plans, and “trial and error” approach to life. She takes things as they come, adopting a very flexible approach to life and preferring to see obvious and immediate results, which can make it difficult for her to focus on long-term goals.

Coming out at 17, Daisy had supportive parents and extended family. Since then, she has had a string of less then successful romantic relationships. Despite her affection and enthusiasm, Daisy’s connections with others can often be short-lived. Not everyone has been easily able handle her excitement and emotional ups and downs, and when dating, her spontaneity makes it harder to stay focused on the end goal of a long-term relationship.

When previous partners haven’t been able to reciprocate Daisy’s levels of energy and impulsiveness, she has ended up feeling unhappy and misunderstood. Additionally, as she can rely so much on intuition and assumptions, she can easily misread signals causing further frustration.

“Daisy, always dancing to the same beat; Broken records stuck on repeat; Broken heart just keeps on breaking.”

Placing a high value on her personal freedom and happiness, Daisy always wants to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, becoming overly enthusiastic about almost everything that catches her attention. She cherishes the company of anyone who appreciates hers.

Daisy can be prone to bouts of hyperactivity and is often unable to say “no” to her whims and impulses, resulting in sensation seeking behaviours and addictive tenancies.

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Height: 5’ 7”

Hair Colour: Brunette

Eye Colour: Hazel

Face Claim: Kate Bracken


Father: Johnathan Franklin
Mother: Meagan Franklin (Née Berry)

Brother: Elliott Franklin (2 Years Younger)

Paternal Grandfather: Clifford Franklin
Paternal Grandmother: Eileen Franklin (Née Spencer)

Uncle: Alexander Franklin (Older Brother to Johnathan)
Aunt: Carolyn Franklin (Née Harlow)

Maternal Grandfather: Jerome Berry
Maternal Grandmother: Ruth Berry (Née Payne)