Amy Cameron

Fandomless OC


Name: Amy Cameron

Nicknames: Cam, Ames, Cameron, Ronnie, Ame, Ron

Age: 30-40
Birthday: 6 July

Birthplace: Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Gender: Cis-Woman, She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian


Occupation: Social Service Manager

Previous Occupations: HR Administrator (working alongside and briefly dating Mariama Blakely), Catering Manager

Education: BSc in Social Policy and Sociology, MA in Social Work


Faceclaim: Jaimie Alexander

Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brunette
Height: 5’8

Piercings: Ears - Lobes, Helix, Industrial Bar

Scars: 4 short scars running parallel across the righthand side of her lower back, from fingernails

Tattoos: Leopard print pattern - over right shoulder and both shoulder-blades - which morphs into roses - down her back - and then into thorny stems - wrapping around her left hip

If your muse knows Amy...

They may also know:

TW: Suicide

Amy was born in the north of Scotland where she grew up with her mother, father and older sister, Lynsey. She was popular during high school, and moved away from home to attend the University of Edinburgh as a Social Policy and Sociology student, where she also served as president of the students' LGBT+ society.

Initially, Amy had ambitions of becoming a police officer. Throughout her first degree she began waitressing, working her way through various part-time jobs to pay her way. She would frequently spend her summers visiting her sister in her relocated home on Australia.

She left Edinburgh after her graduation to take a job as HR Administrator for a law firm in Glasgow. Upon earning her Master's degree in Social Work, which she studied part-time for, Amy moved to working in social services.

Throughout her early 20s, Amy dated frequently but didn't often remain in relationships for long. A few years on, however, she found herself in a relationship that quickly became serious, surprising herself in finding finding somebody that she intended to spend the rest of her life with. When their health deteriorated, resulting by their death by suicide, Amy moved to stay with her sister in Australia for a few months


Traits: Adventurous, Perceptive, Assertive, Loyal, Charismatic, Resourceful, Confident, Passionate


Tropes: Magnetic Leader, Deadpan Snarker, Only Known by Their Nickname, Closet Key, Not Wanting Kids Is Weird, Really Gets Around, The Nicknamer, Eating the Eye Candy

Miscellaneous Facts


These are just the most common verses and can be adjusted to suit any muses/fandoms.


As above (depending on your muse, Amy will generally either decide to stay full-time in Australia, or move to the US to live and work there).


Amy possesses localized time manipulation powers, which she gained during the particle accelerator explosion. Her partner's death by suicide left her overwhelmed with grief, guilt, and loneliness. Unable to cope with the emotional pain, Amy turned to her newfound abilities to numb her feelings temporarily.Amy can manipulate time, both for herself and others, but it comes with limitations. The more drastic the manipulation, the greater the strain it puts on her. Amy uses her powers to accelerate time when she's alone, seeking to escape her feelings and grief. This allows her to fast-forward through moments or days of her life and avoid dwelling on her painful emotions. This avoidance mechanism prevents her from properly processing her grief.

This Handmaid's Tale

Amy found herself a Handmaid in Gilead due to her crime of gender treachery (being in a same-sex relationship). Amy's opposes the regime with varying levels of recklessness — at times, being punished harshly for her lack of obedience.Her journey to escape Gilead is fraught with its own challenges, however, the safe houses provided by the Underground Femaleroad guided her to Canada. In the relative safety outside of Gilead, Amy began rebuilding her life. Her experiences eventually drove her to become an advocate for Gilead survivors. Amy works with organizations like Sanctu-Care to provide support to other women who had escaped, and mentors young refugees. She participates in anti-Gilead protests and advocacy efforts to influence Canadian policies regarding refugees.


When her partner's health deteriorated, resulting by their death by suicide, Amy's life took a dramatic turn after a period of reckless behaviour. Seeking an escape from her emotional pain, she turned to recreational drug use and unknowingly took a highly experimental substance, which ended up having unexpected side effects due to its experimental nature. Amy experienced a dramatic physical and mental transformation.Her transformation left her with the unique ability to nullify pain in herself to an extreme degree. She can still be physically injured, but she won't feel the pain associated with it. Additionally, her touch allows her to pass on a sedative-like effect to others through physical contact, calming them down to the point where they might even pass out if the touch is prolonged. This ability extends to alleviating emotional pain to some extent, providing comfort and relief to those who are upset or emotionally distressed.Amy can't feel pain, making her vulnerable to unintentional injuries. She might push herself to physical extremes without realizing the consequences. Her touch-based powers require careful control to avoid accidentally over-sedating someone.Concealing her true identity with a form-fitting, dark-coloured suit, gloves to control her touch, and a mask to protect her anonymity, Amy begins acting as a vigilante. She finds herself entangled in the world of criminal organizations behind the production and distribution of the experimental drug.

The Magicians

Amy is enrolled at Brakebills University, specialising in illusions magic. Her proficiency lies particularly within camouflage magic, allowing her to craft intricate and lifelike illusions.


During a night out and under the influence, Amy stepped into a brewing fight to defend her friend. Throwing a punch, she hit the man who slipped, hitting his head as he fell. Though he was taken to hospital, he later passed away and Amy was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

Regency Era

Amy, daughter of Lord Cameron, a progressive Scottish landowner, grew up on the family estate in Aberdeenshire. From a young age, Amy showed a keen interest in social issues. Her father, recognizing her potential, ensured she received an education uncommon for women of the time. Amy studied under private tutors and was well-versed in literature, philosophy, and the emerging social sciences.She often organised charitable events and educational programs for the children of the estate, and she championed causes such as better working conditions, access to education, and healthcare for the poor. She frequently attends social events in both Edinburgh and London, and eventually she opened a successful inn and teahouse. 

Supernatural Advocate

In a world where the supernatural is openly known to humans, Amy works as a mediator and advocate for supernatural beings' rights and equality. Amy frequently mediates disputes between supernatural beings and humans, ranging from property disputes to complex issues involving magical or supernatural powers. She works closely with lawmakers and government agencies to draft and pass legislation that ensures fair treatment and protection for these creatures. Amy works closely with the media to shape public perception of supernatural beings, giving interviews, writing articles, or participating in documentaries to educate the public about the diverse aspects of the supernatural community and dispel myths and stereotypes.